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the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - Printable Version

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Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - BiggGameJames - 07-23-2012

Though the years i have been made fun off on internet do see you blaming god for it no.

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - John the Juggalo - 07-23-2012

Youre an idiot.

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - OddBallFreak - 07-23-2012

sTr Wrote:! don't believe in god, so ! have no reason to hate it

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - Enigma - 07-23-2012

KillaMo187 Wrote:I do. Everything I try to do always ends up leading to bad things for me

I got 2 websites who want nothing more but to continue to hurt and bash me no matter what.

So somebody tell me please.. Where is god now? Because I sure as hell don't see a reason to believe in him when those we're told to "show love and affection" to don't give 2 shits about eachother.
Maybe God was keeping you from dying in a fiery car accident or some shit.

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - Autumn - 07-23-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:The only reason for all this here, is because you came here acting like you own the place and were a bad ass. Had you handled your shit, you might have gotten a little harmless hazing, and that wouold have been that. Here's another piece of advice, change your fucking internet name, you fucking fuck. Seriously, they have a whole website devoted to that name specifically. Wouldn't your first plan of attack be to change your fucking handle? Are you that fucking stupid to go with that tiny cock of yours? Fact is, you have yourself to blame. Not some kid who comes here and defends you, actually gets what we are saying here and no offense to little jimmy garcia, but the kid isnt exactly working with a full deck. But at least hes attempting to move on and do his things, first time the kid has shown a little bit of hope around here. Now you can do one of 2 things, quit acting like an emo baby because we all make fun of your little pecker and deal with the shit you have created, change your name and shit or you can get the fuck out, because quite frankly, I'm tired of reading how stupid you are.


Do me now, plz. :*

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - Autumn - 07-23-2012

And, BTW, I don't know if I'm the ONLY one, but I have not once used the smiley. So, hating everyone here for something YOU did is stupid and ignorant. I thought to myself that I would let the bs slide, but you made another alias and were trying to ally with THE ONES WHO STARTED IT. Grow the fuck up, get the fuck off your ass, and realize that REALITY isn't any better than this. GOD!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - Enigma - 07-23-2012

i like the smiley. it makes me smile. :)

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - sTr - 07-23-2012


Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2012

freal........ grow the fuck up.... you are THE biggest 8 year old i have ever fucking met.

i posted pics 8 years ago on the internet, and its still around, EVEN ON OTHER BOARDS THAT I DONT EVEN GO TO... the difference? I DONT GIVE A FUCK! yes, the intention behind the picture is different, i posted it BECAUSE its funny. but youve gotta be able to laugh at yourself and not take shit so fucking serious.

1. youre stupid as fuck for NOT realizing you have a tiny dick and people are going to laugh at it if you show them.
2. youre stupid as fuck for keeping the same name that people know you as when they made fun of you.
3. youre stupid as fuck for not realizing that once you put something on the internet, its there forever.
4.youre stupid as fuck for comming into a place that you dont know and trying to be a big time badass and push people around.... try that in real life and see how far it gets you.
5. youre stupid as fuck because you cant/wont take responsibility for your own actions..... GOD?? REALLY????? he didnt make you post those cock shots... and he sure as fuck isnt making you STAY HERE.

in real life, you have the option of not surrounding yourself with people that bring you down. sometimes its hard if you work with those people, or they are your family. but you can always move away, or get a different job, or not talk to them.... but ON THE INTERNET???! its even fucking easier... just STOP GOING TO THE PLACES THAT BRING YOU DOWN AND SHIT ON YOU.... you dont like the people on 4chan talking shit? simple... stop going to 4chan.... people on faygoluvers making fun of your cock? stop going to faygoluvers...


the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - FxXxckOff - 07-23-2012

Autumn Wrote:
FxXxckOff Wrote:The only reason for all this here, is because you came here acting like you own the place and were a bad ass. Had you handled your shit, you might have gotten a little harmless hazing, and that wouold have been that. Here's another piece of advice, change your fucking internet name, you fucking fuck. Seriously, they have a whole website devoted to that name specifically. Wouldn't your first plan of attack be to change your fucking handle? Are you that fucking stupid to go with that tiny cock of yours? Fact is, you have yourself to blame. Not some kid who comes here and defends you, actually gets what we are saying here and no offense to little jimmy garcia, but the kid isnt exactly working with a full deck. But at least hes attempting to move on and do his things, first time the kid has shown a little bit of hope around here. Now you can do one of 2 things, quit acting like an emo baby because we all make fun of your little pecker and deal with the shit you have created, change your name and shit or you can get the fuck out, because quite frankly, I'm tired of reading how stupid you are.


Do me now, plz. :*

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Any time.

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - OddBallFreak - 07-23-2012

-also hasn't used the smiley, and i doubt i ever will

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - sTr - 07-23-2012

OddBallFreak Wrote:KillaMo

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - OddBallFreak - 07-23-2012

sTr Wrote:
OddBallFreak Wrote:8===D~~

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - R31GN - 07-23-2012

fred Wrote:freal........ grow the fuck up.... you are THE biggest 8 year old i have ever fucking met.

i posted pics 8 years ago on the internet, and its still around, EVEN ON OTHER BOARDS THAT I DONT EVEN GO TO... the difference? I DONT GIVE A FUCK! yes, the intention behind the picture is different, i posted it BECAUSE its funny. but youve gotta be able to laugh at yourself and not take shit so fucking serious.

1. youre stupid as fuck for NOT realizing you have a tiny dick and people are going to laugh at it if you show them.
2. youre stupid as fuck for keeping the same name that people know you as when they made fun of you.
3. youre stupid as fuck for not realizing that once you put something on the internet, its there forever.
4.youre stupid as fuck for comming into a place that you dont know and trying to be a big time badass and push people around.... try that in real life and see how far it gets you.
5. youre stupid as fuck because you cant/wont take responsibility for your own actions..... GOD?? REALLY????? he didnt make you post those cock shots... and he sure as fuck isnt making you STAY HERE.

in real life, you have the option of not surrounding yourself with people that bring you down. sometimes its hard if you work with those people, or they are your family. but you can always move away, or get a different job, or not talk to them.... but ON THE INTERNET???! its even fucking easier... just STOP GOING TO THE PLACES THAT BRING YOU DOWN AND SHIT ON YOU.... you dont like the people on 4chan talking shit? simple... stop going to 4chan.... people on faygoluvers making fun of your cock? stop going to faygoluvers...


Nailed it.

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-24-2012

It's good to see KillaMo is no longer an attention-craving jackoff.

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012


Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - Slacker - 07-24-2012

-ignores his bullshit

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - sTr - 07-24-2012

-embraces his bullshit for the greater lolz

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012


Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - John the Juggalo - 07-24-2012


Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - sTr - 07-24-2012


Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

- KillaMo s

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - Paullehh - 07-24-2012

-still thinks it's a experiment.

Re: the FUCK YOUR GOD thread. - sTr - 07-24-2012

! hope we end up on Dateline NBC with Chris Hansen