Board 6
Leslie! Im lost. - Printable Version

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Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Autumn - 07-19-2012


Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Enigma - 07-19-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:-puerto rican and irish
Autumn is one lucky lady

lol @ first i started typing sexy lady. perhaps i shoudl ahva dtuk with that. bajaj! my hands ren't working.

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - fghtffyrdmns - 07-19-2012

Enigma Wrote:MMMMM puerto ricans are sooooo tasty.

Ooh, I like when you drink :*

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - FxXxckOff - 07-19-2012


Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Autumn - 07-19-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:
Enigma Wrote:MMMMM puerto ricans are sooooo tasty.

Ooh, I like when you drink :*

I like it too. <3

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - sTr - 07-19-2012

me three

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - dahlface - 07-19-2012

Irish guys make me wet.

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Re: Leslie! Im lost. - FxXxckOff - 07-19-2012

me too, named slacker

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

Now post pics of your face

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - dahlface - 07-19-2012

Okay, I will try this again and see if we can post face.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

Word. Make it happen

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Autumn - 07-19-2012

Yeah, we saw vageeny, now we need to see your face.

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Enigma - 07-19-2012

i like when i drink too

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

Moar tits and vag

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - dahlface - 07-19-2012

[Image: FQd8p.jpg]

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Slacker - 07-19-2012

this thread delivers

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

Not bad... now tittits

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - dahlface - 07-19-2012


[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Enigma - 07-19-2012

bajaj! post em up for Slacker, he's from Ireland

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - fghtffyrdmns - 07-19-2012

But.....boobs :(

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

Why not? How are tits worse than vag?

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - FxXxckOff - 07-19-2012

if slacker is here at 4am you deliver tits

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Slacker - 07-19-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:if slacker is here AT ALL you deliver tits

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - dahlface - 07-19-2012

I have to save something for myself!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - fghtffyrdmns - 07-19-2012

But....boobs :(

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Slacker - 07-19-2012

I'm going to imagine what they look like anyway

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

Even the ladies are begging....

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Enigma - 07-19-2012

Slacker, I would give my left tit to have sex0rz with you. you are the sexiest motherfucker on this board.

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Slacker - 07-19-2012


Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Autumn - 07-19-2012

WTF?! You post vagine but not tits.

And, you're pretty btw. Just sayin.

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - fghtffyrdmns - 07-19-2012

BOOOOBS. I have to go to bed. BOOOBS.

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Enigma - 07-19-2012

she is pretty. she's my twin. :)

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Slacker - 07-19-2012

Slacker Wrote:I'm going to imagine what they look like anyway

.....they are nice

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - Enigma - 07-19-2012

mine are nicer. and i'll give you my left one to keep if you'll have sex with me

Re: Leslie! Im lost. - dahlface - 07-19-2012

Thank you. No I will not show my boobs. They are nice. But no. My vag is also nice.

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