Board 6
ill leave - Printable Version

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Re: ill leave - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

its spelled autumn.... and no, shes not

STR and fluff are the only admins

Re: ill leave - Autumn - 07-19-2012

Yeah, I'm definitely not an admin. I find amusement at your incapacity of brain usage. I wouldn't censor you anyway.

Re: ill leave - F-Disk - 07-19-2012

no ones deleting your posts

Re: ill leave - sTr - 07-19-2012

it's probably her cat deleting her post

Re: ill leave - Enigma - 07-19-2012

i was going to ask who cousin it is, then i remembered, he's the awesome cousin of fester and gomez adams. dib

Re: ill leave - COUSIN IT - 07-19-2012

off to smoke a blunt...ill let you cheerleaders continue talking about penis'

Re: ill leave - FxXxckOff - 07-19-2012

KillaMo KillaMo KillaMo KillaMo KillaMo

Re: ill leave - Autumn - 07-19-2012

Mmmmm penis <3

Re: ill leave - sTr - 07-19-2012

Autumn Wrote:Mmmmm KillaMo <3

Re: ill leave - Paullehh - 07-19-2012

COUSIN IT Wrote:off to smoke a blunt...ill let you cheerleaders continue talking about penis'
Post your vag.

Re: ill leave - Autumn - 07-19-2012


Re: ill leave - sTr - 07-19-2012

Autumn Wrote:YES, DO WANT!!

Re: ill leave - Enigma - 07-19-2012

i posted mine on osb. i'm such a b6 slut, aren't i?

Re: ill leave - Autumn - 07-19-2012


Re: ill leave - sTr - 07-19-2012

Autumn Wrote:DO.

Re: ill leave - Star - 07-20-2012

I was unsure until earlier tonight if she was a man or woman, just because I don't remember ever seeing her say one way or another.

ill leave - The Professa - 07-20-2012

Slacker Wrote:[Image: 547186_10151040896679048_1522490515_n.jpg]
Ermahgerd so cute! Here's mine:
[Image: aeebc02f-f16c-6861.jpg]

ill leave - The Professa - 07-20-2012

*sigh* I'll fix that later.

Re: ill leave - John the Juggalo - 07-20-2012

-Doesn't care about this thread

Re: ill leave - Autumn - 07-20-2012

I'm happy this became a doggy thread! Will post mine tomorrow.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: ill leave - Enigma - 07-20-2012

bajaj @ your av is your doggy. you don't have to post another pic. silly Autumn

Re: ill leave - sTr - 07-20-2012

[Image: lucy.jpg]

Re: ill leave - Enigma - 07-20-2012

awwww i want to reach through the screen and scratch her ears! she's soooo cute!

Re: ill leave - Autumn - 07-20-2012

Leslie, I have two other dogs, as well! But, I did forget that I changed my avatar. :P

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: ill leave - Enigma - 07-20-2012

bajaj! she's cute though. :)

Re: ill leave - Autumn - 07-20-2012

She is SUPER cute, and my baby, and she's my dog mostly not Timmy's. She's always around me and once Timmy chased me around the living room, and I screamed and Tanner went after him. MY baby!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: ill leave - Enigma - 07-20-2012

good dog. i'd post a pic of my dog. he's way handsome. but i can't post from my phone. :/ i'm so lame. i need something cooler

Re: ill leave - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

COUSIN IT Wrote:just say the word...

don't go i know they can be a lil mean but they do to all new members you will get use to it.

Re: ill leave - COUSIN IT - 07-21-2012

im not leaving now no one said the right word

Re: ill leave - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

COUSIN IT Wrote:im not leaving now no one said the right word


Re: ill leave - fghtffyrdmns - 07-21-2012

COUSIN IT Wrote:im not leaving now no one said the right word


Re: ill leave - Paullehh - 07-21-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:
COUSIN IT Wrote:im not leaving now no one said the right word


Re: ill leave - fghtffyrdmns - 07-21-2012

Paullehh Wrote:
fghtffyrdmns Wrote:
COUSIN IT Wrote:im not leaving now no one said the right word


Re: ill leave - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

she not going to tell you the word.

Re: ill leave - Paullehh - 07-21-2012

DeadBodyMan Wrote:she not going to tell you the word.
I can live with that.

She needs to be posting her pussy shots on here if she wants to stay.