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What do you do when your ready to just give up - Printable Version

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-16-2012

word fluf, ! feel like !m in a similar situation that you are right now. Granted it's not as extreme as yours, no kids involved and whatnot, but similar none the less. ! have this convicted sexual offender sending me e-mails repeatedly taunting me about my girlfriend. When ! show her it just makes her mad at me, she thinks !'m being childish. She continues to talk to him online because she said it's helping her learn how to be happy again. !'m in a shitty position because ! can't tell her to stop because that would be stopping her from her happiness, but it also sucks because the more it happens the more it effects my own happiness. ! feel like !'m living in a world that ! have no control over. This is true for everyone, but ! just don't want people that ! don't know coming into my life just to to fuck with me. ! really don't know what to do or how to handle this.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Slacker - 07-16-2012






Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - BoneZugz - 07-16-2012

Slacker knows best.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-16-2012

-smokes a lot of weed and ! still feel shitty

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-16-2012

Str, why would some other guy be the one helping her find her happiness?

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-16-2012

Autumn Wrote:Str, why would some other guy be the one helping her find her happiness?

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-16-2012

it sounds worse than it is, he's an old guy that was friends with her uncle. she gets her happiness from learning and continue the search for all knowledge, and she does this by reading and learning from other people. It sucks because

1) he's a faggot that got caught looking at child porn
2) he keeps sending me e-mails talking shit

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-16-2012

In my personal opinion, I think if it were someone who was really bothering my bf that I was talking to, I would stop and respect his wishes. And then I would go to the library.

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-16-2012

that's how ! feel to, ! try to open to the fact that different people think different ways. it's just getting to a point where !'m depressed all the time, everyone else sees the happy/nice side of except me. ! just want to be happy too :(

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-16-2012

Fuck that, my ex(currently agaga) is not allowed to talk to any fucking guy I don't feel good about. Fuck that, say Im a dick or controlling but Im a guy myself and there is a small chance you really just want to be friends with a chick, deep down you wanna bone and your waiting for that chance. I dont play that shit. Fuck that. Fuckkkkk that.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-16-2012

I completely understand that. If you don't feel comfortable, she should be a good enough girlfriend to respect what you say. But, you can't just tell her who not to talk to because you got a bad vibe.

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - psychopathic penguin - 07-16-2012

bitch is lucky she's allowed out of the closet

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-16-2012

Hahaha @ pengy admitting to his kinky sexual fantasies.

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - psychopathic penguin - 07-16-2012

speaking of which

Autumn you can slap me around a little if it'd excite you, sexually ...

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-16-2012


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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-16-2012

this is how ! feel today....

[Image: FrMZz.gif]

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - psychopathic penguin - 07-16-2012

Slacker Wrote:smoke





Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - fghtffyrdmns - 07-16-2012

psychopathic penguin Wrote:
Slacker Wrote:smoke





Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - psychopathic penguin - 07-16-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:
psychopathic penguin Wrote:
Slacker Wrote:smoke





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[Image: img20120714191431.jpg]

[Image: img20120714191038.jpg]

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Slacker - 07-16-2012

we should hang out

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-16-2012

man, you got the good shit

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Enigma - 07-16-2012






@Fluff ---- :* text me if you need to talk. i may not always have the best advice, but i'm good to vent to.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - psychopathic penguin - 07-16-2012

Slacker Wrote:we should hang out

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-17-2012

莟莟莟 Wrote:bajaj This kid aint even worth my time on explaining shit. But let me state one thing, 2 years of your "problems" don't amount to 14 years of pain and suffering that I've been through.

But anyways, I'm not looking for the easy way out, I don't want to do that, but sometimes it seems like the best way to stop everything. Its like, I don't hear voices don't get me wrong, satan aint in my head, but my mind argues with itself, I constently have this chatter inside my head that just never shuts up. Constently I have this back and forth fight for control, this split personality and neither side can gain control.

I have night terrors, dreams of dying, dreams that are so vivid that I wake up in pools of sweat and Im shaking uncontrolably. This shti aint no joke. Its nothing fucking fun and its nothign to brag about, I dont even speak upon it cause most people think its just a joke or a fucking stab at getting attention. Then on top of that I just got the daily life problems, no job, nothign fucking goes right, bouncing around house to house with no steady or controlably life. I can't function around large groups, I freak out in the grocery stores I fucking can't get a job fucking no where in this shit hole town I cant fucking do anything right, my family has abandoned me, I have nobody to turn to. I have nothing, then I got the shit with my stupid fucking ex. That shit just ices the cake, I wanted to start a family of my own and be fucking happy for once but its impossible cause my actually family not only fucking had fun making sure I had a shitty life growing up but yet they want to make sure they can fucking ruin even more of my life by causing more problems with me and just breaking me down more.

and this isn't even the tip of the ice berg, this is just a quick break down.
I just read this, and seriously, this was me from about the age of 18 til about 26. The doctor told me that anxiety is part of the male's brain development. Mix that with the pressure of finding yourself, fear of failure, etc.... It's a lot. I won't dismiss your problems, because they're still there whether we tell you they matter or not.

Basically the way I looked at it was... I need to start living in the world, rather than living in my mind. I'd be very conscious of how I was feeling, and then anxiety would snowball. I've been to the ER only to be told that if I don't go to a psychiatrist, then next time they were going to put me in the psyche ward.

I've had the night terrors, I've had the anxiety attacks. I dunno how severe yours are, but just know you're not totally alone. The world isn't kind. Don't ever give up. Think of positive things in your life. Even if it's something as stupid as how much you like music. Or drawing. Or a certain food you like. And live with that. If you can't keep a job or a house... save some money up, buy a molester van and a mattress and travel the country.

If you can't even afford that, maybe start exercising. Give yourself achievable goals, then accomplish them. Then before you know it, all that shit you thought you couldn't do, you start doing it.

Again, I know this is all easier said than done, and even now as I feel like I've become more positively-charged... I still often feel myself fight anger and anxiety. It's normal, you just can't dwell on it.