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cowposse's wife - Printable Version

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Re: cowposse's wife - Stoopid Dog - 07-11-2012

I locked my kids in the attic so I can post on b6.

Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-11-2012

You're an exception.... Because you're an asshole.

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Re: cowposse's wife - sTr - 07-11-2012

Fuck a kids

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-11-2012

I like kids, because they're cute and funny and they can be super lovable, but I don't want any of my own. Fuck a having kids.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: cowposse's wife - juggalogigolo - 07-11-2012

im glad i dont have to deal with a crazy bitch every day

Re: cowposse's wife - Enigma - 07-11-2012

Marshmallow Man Wrote:I locked my kids in the attic so I can post on b6.
how funny. mine's in the basement.

Re: cowposse's wife - dirtymonkey22 - 07-11-2012

My boys are hilarious best thing about having kids is Halloween

[Image: 297163_1535865731886_2032645546_n.jpg] See they had Big ass Mustaches too and every house that a Asian person lived at that went nuts and wanted to take a pic of the boys those creepy ass Asians.

Re: cowposse's wife - Enigma - 07-11-2012

that's so adorable!!! my kid is insisting on us doing a Halloween/birthday/Spiderman party for her this year....her birthday is in February.

Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Leslie, you should do that. My niece is having a luau party and her birthday is in October. Cassie won't stay little for long, so let her pick her own kinda parties and make some kickass memories.

Re: cowposse's wife - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012

Autumn Wrote:Leslie, you should do that. My niece is having a luau party and her birthday is in October. Cassie won't stay little for long, so let her pick her own kinda parties and make some kickass memories.

I agree, my Step Daughter goes through stages like a mofo. She will be 8 this year. And god knows what she will want in October for her bday.

Re: cowposse's wife - sTr - 07-12-2012

my little pony ;)

Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-12-2012

sTr Wrote:my little brony ;)

Re: cowposse's wife - COUSIN IT - 07-12-2012

let me kick her ass for ya

Re: cowposse's wife - sTr - 07-12-2012

Autumn Wrote:
sTr Wrote:my little brony ;)

Re: cowposse's wife - insane - 07-12-2012

Ok then I post about my kid then so you can see I don't ignore her. She is adorable. If you would like me to enlighten you about the whole thing i will give you the short version. She is crazy she was diagnosed as schizofranic, then adhd, then bipolar then bipolar mixed then some kind of social disorder at one point she was locked away for 2 and a half weeks. She also has grand maul seizures from when she was driving a truck and crashed . She was driving cross country while her son was an infant leaving him with her ex who had a drug user who I might add overdosed to watch her kid. She now has grand maul seizures more than one a month and she might need brain surgery. She yells and screams and bitches all the time and when she isn't loud as fuck she is making it sound like i beat the shit out of her all the time when i have never touched her. She knows I can't touch her and thats why she does whatever the fuck she wants and says if you touch me you go to jail. I hate the fucking bitch but I need her help because i can't watch the kid 24/7 and work a full time job supporting her ass while she goes on her 7 year streak of not working. in short fuck that bitch shes a fucking liar and everyone who has ever met her knows she is crazy and stupid. FUCK now i am pissed again just fucking thinking about it.

Re: cowposse's wife - sTr - 07-12-2012

-confirms, she is a crazy bitch....

Re: cowposse's wife - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012

Its all good bro. We love you here man, this is the guys hang out (even though there is females here) but this is the Internets Man Cave man.

[Image: no-women-allowed-little-rascals.jpg]

Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-12-2012

At least the bitches here are hot as fux.

<--- this one, for example.

Re: cowposse's wife - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

meh, ive seen better


Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-12-2012

*GASP* :'(

You're right, though...

Re: cowposse's wife - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012


you no u fine gurl

Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Bitch plz.


Re: cowposse's wife - FxXxckOff - 07-12-2012

none better for this guy

Re: cowposse's wife - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

kiss ass

Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-12-2012


Re: cowposse's wife - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012


Re: cowposse's wife - Autumn - 07-12-2012


Re: cowposse's wife - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012


Re: cowposse's wife - FxXxckOff - 07-12-2012

Marshmallow Man Wrote:pics or it didnt happen
bajaj theres a whole thread at kbc