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The lost and forgotten - Printable Version

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Re: The lost and forgotten - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 07-07-2012

Haha, qtfreak is Shawn, and I have a pretty goo idea that he wouldn't want to be found.

Re: The lost and forgotten - Autumn - 07-07-2012

I think most of the really og's wouldn't want to found.

Re: The lost and forgotten - Enigma - 07-07-2012

that's lame.

Re: The lost and forgotten - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 07-07-2012

I do think of TJ often. He is meant for great things in this world, one of the smartest and sweetest people ever, and I always wonder what he's done since college.

Re: The lost and forgotten - F-Disk - 07-07-2012

tj was he the one that made if so get his ass back here!

The lost and forgotten - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2012

He's a teacher now in MA. Teej is and forever will be the man.

Re: The lost and forgotten - Autumn - 07-08-2012

Awww Teej and Alex, too..

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Re: The lost and forgotten - FxXxckOff - 07-08-2012

MistaOneEightySeven(eRick, pretty sure i have him on fb)
ICP Cemetery Girl
Wicked Realm Ryda
CHiToWN JuGGaLeTTe(Nora)
Wickedprincess (Ang)
I Am Chance
Wicked Clown Ryda
Violent J Jr (agag)
TeccaNinja 24
The Jugglin Juggla
Sm0key NuTz
HatchetMan08 (was this willis?)
C0Ld X
Brett The Juggla

Re: The lost and forgotten - sTr - 07-08-2012

! heard 187 got caught talking to underage kids about sexy time

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Re: The lost and forgotten - FxXxckOff - 07-08-2012

stephan you just made me straight up LOL

Re: The lost and forgotten - Autumn - 07-08-2012

Hahahaha eRick.. the legs told stories about.him picking up young.girls. funny.

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Re: The lost and forgotten - Star - 07-08-2012

If it's the same Alex I have his name and address on my Amazon account, and a phone number from like five or six years ago. The one from Sacramento? And someone should find Ms. Felony, the lady man from England. Or somewhere in the UK, I don't remember where.

Re: The lost and forgotten - Star - 07-08-2012

Alex Moyle, that someone went to visit? Mare maybe?

Re: The lost and forgotten - F-Disk - 07-08-2012

Ms felony posted a few days ago

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Re: The lost and forgotten - Autumn - 07-08-2012

Yes, that's the Alex. Ms Felony was from Wales, yeah?

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Re: The lost and forgotten - Star - 07-08-2012

I have no idea. Somewhere like that. Someone else text Alex, or send him an old school letter. I don't wanna.

Re: The lost and forgotten - Star - 07-08-2012


Re: The lost and forgotten - TheB6Bitch - 07-08-2012

i think chevy is on my face book

Re: The lost and forgotten - Star - 07-08-2012

Who's that?

Re: The lost and forgotten - FxXxckOff - 07-08-2012


Re: The lost and forgotten - Star - 07-08-2012

I've got nothing. Alzheimer's, maybe.

Re: The lost and forgotten - F-Disk - 07-08-2012

I member him

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Re: The lost and forgotten - InsayneScrubalette - 07-08-2012

What about Scrubalette man she was awesome

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Re: The lost and forgotten - Star - 07-08-2012


Re: The lost and forgotten - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

Enigma Wrote:john the juggalo was always cool with me. we used to text a while back, but then i stopped hearing from him and i can't remember his real name.

That dude was cool as hell. I hung out with him the whole time at one of the Gatherings. Me and him had some damn good talks back in the day. I'd love to know what he's up to now a days.

Re: The lost and forgotten - Autumn - 07-09-2012

Jtj was really sweet too. :l Hope he's okay.

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Re: The lost and forgotten - Toxic Love - 07-09-2012

Let's go old school... to Teej and KMKJuggy (Haha I'm sure she LOVES that :? )...

qtfreak. :x His name was Shawn. Totally no idea what happened to him. Maybe Mare knows?

I do miss Teej, he was a good kid. Then there was the actual B6 "webmasters" or whoever. I'm still friends with "Juggamasta" aka Chris on Facebook. How about REZZY lol if I got the name right.

Re: The lost and forgotten - InsayneScrubalette - 07-09-2012

What about the crippled kid joshy assaulted?

I miss my TJ. I might have to see if I can find him on AIM.

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Re: The lost and forgotten - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

InsayneScrubalette Wrote:I might have to see if I can find him on AIM.

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Do people still use that?!

Re: The lost and forgotten - sTr - 07-09-2012

! remember when ! was on AIM 24 hours...

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Re: The lost and forgotten - InsayneScrubalette - 07-09-2012

Hahaha I have no idea I haven't in some time.

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Re: The lost and forgotten - Toxic Love - 07-09-2012

Hahahaha I remember when I had a buddy list. Now I don't know anybody that uses it.

Re: The lost and forgotten - F-Disk - 07-09-2012

yea i used to have 100 people online at all times now I'm lucky if one is on when i boot it up

Re: The lost and forgotten - sTr - 07-09-2012

!'m curious to see how many people are logged in if ! sign on....

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Re: The lost and forgotten - TheB6Bitch - 07-09-2012

i have aiim but i only use it when im wanna txt someone from home and im t lazy to use my phone lol