Board 6
I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Printable Version

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I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-10-2012

Just gimmie your fuckin' smokes or I'll put a bullet right through your goddamn ribcage.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Paullehh - 12-10-2012


Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Stoopid Dog - 12-10-2012

bajaj nice

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-10-2012

I'm anything but nice.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Stoopid Dog - 12-10-2012

oh noez

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - juggalogigolo - 12-10-2012


Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Paullehh - 12-10-2012

[Image: mtjeF.jpg]

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-10-2012

My little brother R31GN sent me here to set you nerds straight. He says you're a bunch of fucking pussies and that you cyber bullied him. I know my brother is a bit of a dork, and he's in a homosexual relationship with an underage black midget, but that's no reason to be a dick. Fuck with him again and you'll be dealing with me and my crew IRL.

[Image: nYVC3.jpg]

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Paullehh - 12-10-2012

I think i have had dealings with your crew before.
I paid up the cash. Your crew gave me my big mac meal. Shit was legit.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Autumn - 12-10-2012

I love this guy already!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - sTr - 12-10-2012

is this a new guy or someone from the past?

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-10-2012

Birthday: 16 Nov 1983

You are old as fuck.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - OddBallFreak - 12-10-2012

We're all old and grumpy. Now stop being so fresh, you little whippersnapper

That's something a grumpy old lady would say, right? :/

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-10-2012

If that's you in your signature, I'm guessing early 30s?

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - holagatita - 12-10-2012

Cyrus Wrote:Birthday: 16 Nov 1983

You are old as fuck.

Cyrus: Birthday: 11 Jul 2012

Go home, 5 month old baby, you're drunk.

Also I was born in 81, Am I the oldest motherfucker in here? jeez

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - holagatita - 12-10-2012

nevermind, I see Melissa is older. *shakes our canes in his direction*

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-10-2012

You look 40.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - sTr - 12-10-2012

bajaj, ! love being old as fuck....

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - holagatita - 12-10-2012

Cyrus Wrote:You look 40.


Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Paullehh - 12-10-2012

-Born 1979

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-10-2012

This is the slowest board I've ever seen.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - juggalogigolo - 12-10-2012

yep, its pretty fuckin slow round these here parts


Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - insane - 12-11-2012

Oldest fucker here born November 23 1977

I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - The Professa - 12-11-2012

At least this dude can spell.. The last thing we need is more illiterate fools.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - juggalogigolo - 12-11-2012


Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-11-2012

So I've started posting on a slow board full of illiterate old people? Great.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Autumn - 12-11-2012

If I'm not completely mistaken, I think Grim was the oldest. He doesn't post anymore, so way to go insane, or Melissa, or Amanda. Not sure who to congratulate.
As for the photo in OBF's sig, that's me, and you're pretty accurate on the age assumption, because I am in fact 30.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Cyrus - 12-11-2012

I know I'm accurate. I'm smarter than all of you.

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - juggalogigolo - 12-11-2012


I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - The Professa - 12-11-2012

fred Wrote:lawl

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Ms Felony - 12-17-2012

Cyrus Wrote:So I've started posting on a slow board full of illiterate old people? Great.

yet you say you are smarter than all of us, who's smart now posting on a slow board with illiterate old people.
yes, you fking suck.
can't even find a decent board to hate on people eh.

and I'm the oldest fker here I think

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - juggalogigolo - 12-17-2012

how old are you?

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Ms Felony - 12-17-2012

I'm 38

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - juggalogigolo - 12-17-2012

old ass fuckin tranny

Re: I don't give a fuck about the camera crew, ok? - Ms Felony - 12-17-2012

stfu you lool