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Michael Moore in the White house? - Printable Version

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Michael Moore in the White house? - Insanecowposse - 09-14-2010

Michael Moore wants to whip Obama into shape for the coming 2012 elections. Maybe a bad choice of words, but Moore writes that he will brainwash Obama forcing him to do 100 jumping jacks each day while repeating “The American people elected me, not Republicans, to run the country. I am in charge! I will order all obstructionists outta my way! If the American people don’t like what I’m doing they can throw my ass out in 2012. In the meantime, I call the shots on their behalf! Now, Congress, drop and give me 50!”

There are plenty of things wrong with Moore’s entire concept. For starters, I do not think Obama will say this long diatribe much during a mere 100 jumping jacks. Frankly, given how Obama talks, he’ll be lucky to say it two of three times.

Of course, the real problem Michael Moore has, as does most of his Far-Left, Progressive-Socialist moonbat friends, is that he fails to understand how American politics work. Had he taken the time to read the U.S. Constitution, Moore might know that we Americans do not elect presidents to ‘run the country’ as a one-man show. Maybe they do that in Cuba, but not here. The whole tone of Moore’s letter is one of a bully, a thug, which, is what Progressives are despite their so-called culture and education.

Michael Moore is just venting his unhappiness with what a mess Obama and the Pelosi-Reid Capitol Hill mob have created. Not only have they not delivered an economic recovery, but they couldn’t even deliver universal health care, even with a super-majority! On top of that, the Democrats have stirred the pot so much that they are now facing an electoral backlash which could spell the end to the entire Progressive-Liberal-Socialist movement, setting it back at least a full generation.

Maybe Michael Moore would make a good White House chief of staff for Obama. He cannot do much worse. There is not a single person of merit in his cabinet whom Obama recruited. On top of that, Obama kept Tim Geithner around and promoted him. So, if Rahm Emanuel does leave, it will not be a significant loss. One less dummy among dozens.

Re: Michael Moore in the White house? - sTr - 09-14-2010

fuck em all, ! don't vote for republicans or democrats. indy all the way....

Re: Michael Moore in the White house? - Grimlin - 09-15-2010

You say micheal moore can't do worst? I beg to different

Re: Michael Moore in the White house? - Insanecowposse - 09-15-2010

STR should run for it.

Re: Michael Moore in the White house? - Phantom - 09-15-2010

Nothing Michael Moore does surprises me anymore. He's not in it for the 'greater good,' but rather himself.