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I haven't seen this guy in over 15 years - Printable Version

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I haven't seen this guy in over 15 years - sTr - 07-29-2010

Start of dan buffer: Thu Jul 29 16:27:49 2010
dan: stephan?
STRetard: dan?
dan: how you been you polish fuck?
STRetard: living life
STRetard: you?
dan: living the dream, makin babies
dan: you still in AZ
STRetard: hoody hoo
STRetard: yeah, lovin the heat
STRetard: we actually got rain today
dan: Yeah, man strenght in numbers my brother
dan: nice, beats the hell out of detroit
STRetard: how many are you up to?
dan: one is 18 months the other is still cookin
STRetard: good times
STRetard: where are you staying now a days?
dan: a little town called shelbyville just east of louisville in Kentucky
dan: I'm on Recruiting duty.
STRetard: nice, I might bw wmoving out to nashville shortly
STRetard: down south living is what i want right about now
dan: right on man, why nash? music>?
dan: its nice
STRetard: work mainly, but it seems nice there
STRetard: fun at least
STRetard: i'm working for ********, so it could end up being a few places
dan: im sure it is, any place will have its attractions. what kind of work are you in
STRetard: or just end up staying here
dan: you still doin the music thing?
STRetard: yeah, that's why i'm getting out of computers
STRetard: it's all moving to india
STRetard: either that, or i'm going to try and get as far as i can in the company
dan: right on
dan: how's your fam? still in Mi?
STRetard: i want to go into accounting
STRetard: they moved to IL
dan: right on,.
dan: all the smart white people are moving out of michigan
STRetard: my dad couldn't get any work as an automotive engineer, so he became a medical engineer
dan: right on
dan: good shit
STRetard: how about your family
dan: bro still gay?
STRetard: how are they
STRetard: DUDE!
STRetard: he finally came out
STRetard: we called it
dan: lol
dan: sure did
STRetard: it was obvious
dan: fam is good, mom and grace still live in Mi, joy lives in IL. and sarah has two illigitimate children by the same looser. she lives with my dad in florida
STRetard: good times.
STRetard: we're gonna have to meet up sometime and hang
STRetard: it'll probably never happen, but you never know
STRetard: hoe
dan: if you come east of the mississippi man let me know.
STRetard: for sure
dan: i hear you, at least your realisitic about i
dan: t
dan: how close to yuma are you?
STRetard: 4 hours
STRetard: never knew until i just googled
STRetard: it
STRetard: i thought it was like 45 min
dan: lol
dan: do you have a facebook account
STRetard: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->
dan: going to friend request you. hows the weight thing?
STRetard: I'm on the downside of the yoyo, but not to the goal
STRetard: I'm at 180, I would like to be at 170 with some muscle
dan: right on. sticking with the plan, ecercise or diet is the main thing
dan: dont quit
STRetard: my big problem was the beer
STRetard: i stopped drinking beer and i am losing mad weight
STRetard: because i am pretty active and i don't eat too much junk food.
dan: easy right
STRetard: but now I am working out to go with it
dan: good job
STRetard: I got in real good shape about 2 years ago
dan: i do alot of cardio, im still the same skinny bastard you grew up with. you'd prob kick my ass now
dan: lol
STRetard: then i moved here and it was like retirement
dan: lol
STRetard: seriously, I can't believe it's raining
STRetard: it hasn't rained ince march
STRetard: since*
dan: strange things do happen, good for the crops
dan: global warming right?
STRetard: i would blame the blacktop roads for global warming over a lot of other things
STRetard: Arizona's eco system is all fucked right now
dan: interesting concept
STRetard: they added grass everywhere and added blacktop roads all over. the population is over 10X what it was 20 years ago
dan: kinda makes sense, trapping the heat inside the earth
dan: tell the mexicans to stop having babies
STRetard: so when the earth would normally cool down it can't
STRetard: dude, it's unstoppable
dan: the mexicans?
STRetard: i know a dude that had 4 kids when i moved out here and he was 26 his wife was 23
STRetard: and they have 5 now
STRetard: and are planning on a sixth
dan: thats what they do, and i bet they dont pay andine in taxes either yet prob collect the shit out of some food stamps
dan: good catholics
STRetard: hell yeah, and neither work
dan: of course not.
dan: what do you think of that law out there
STRetard: i'm down
STRetard: and here's why
STRetard: first, it's already a law. everywhere
dan: ok
dan: yeah federal law
STRetard: second, we have the highest kidnapping rate in the world
STRetard: we are the only state without a wall
STRetard: oh, and i need work
dan: right on, yeah i heard about he kidnappings. mostly white people. but your just racist
STRetard: plus, how are we going to support the federal government telling a state what laws they can have
STRetard: that's most important
STRetard: i like mexicans as mother fucker
dan: i believe the 10th ammendment of constitution talks about that
STRetard: we can't have the federal government deciding local laws. that is stupid.
dan: i dont mind mexicans either, i just wish they would pay their taxes
dan: you almost sound like a conservative
STRetard: i am conservative, but i'm not republican
STRetard: i'm not democrat
dan: right on
STRetard: i vote for who is smart
dan: lol...i vote for the white guy, not because he's white though
STRetard: i would rather "waste" my vote, voting for who i agree with then vote for i think is going to win
STRetard: and that's why obama won
STRetard: everyone wanted to be right
STRetard: that's a bad concept
dan: pretty much, white guilt too. but he's starting to loose the white vote, THANK GOD
dan: But im just a racist because i dont agree with the prez
STRetard: totally
STRetard: and i think that's why he's going to win again
dan: god i hope not
STRetard: everyone is going to deny it, until election time
STRetard: people are stupid my friend
dan: yes they are.
STRetard: we know how it is because we come from michigan
STRetard: it's been shitty for years
STRetard: everyone else is just being brought down to our level
dan: libs
STRetard: fags
dan: we saw it first, i tried to warn people, michigan has always been the first when it comes to national trend
STRetard: hell yeah
dan: when i came to suburbs, we were the fist
dan: when it came to a good living wage, we were the first
STRetard: it is classic that the big statue in detroit is a fist and a stargate
STRetard: because the shaft is what everyone got
dan: lol. isint it though. speaking of stupitidy, here is a real story for you
dan: while walking out of the wal mart yesterday i pass a young couple carrying a cooler lunch box, the young man asks the girl "it says 1 quart, does that mean the length or the how much it holds?". Young Lady "I don't know". Good God help the human race.
STRetard: it's sad
STRetard: have you ever seen the movie idiocracy?
dan: lol. yes
STRetard: that is what we are becoming
STRetard: i'm glad I didn't end up retarded
dan: lol. people are becoming more and more dependent upon the system to do the job that they should be doing
dan: lol
STRetard: it could have happened
STRetard: my brother has never had a job.
STRetard: he is 19
STRetard: wtf
dan: is he retarted?
STRetard: he's gay
dan: oh, royce right
STRetard: yeah
dan: erish
dan: gabriel
STRetard: erich is still kinda retarded. i think he might have a job though
dan: do they all live in Illinois
STRetard: yeah, and I think she's into anime and eird shit
STRetard: yeah
STRetard: i think the city is oxford
STRetard: it's north IL
dan: thats crazy that he 19 and never had a job
STRetard: I had like 4 jobs by 19
STRetard: maybe more
STRetard: my parents never made them work
STRetard: they would slave my ass
dan: ahh
dan: lol
dan: hell yeah they did
STRetard: no i work all the time
STRetard: now*
dan: SLAVON!
STRetard: son of a bitch
STRetard: i totally forgot about that
dan: LOL
STRetard: fucking haunting memories
STRetard: hahaha
dan: LOL
dan: Good times
STRetard: hell yeah
dan: i'll have to get your address so i can send you some pics of the family
STRetard: being a kid was awesome
dan: sure was bro
STRetard: 135 S. Hardy Dr. Apt 1
STRetard: Tempe, AZ
STRetard: 85281
dan: we had some good times
STRetard: I can send you pictures of me and my cat if you want :)
dan: we never smoked weed together or partied. Sure
STRetard: we did smoke weed together
STRetard: you got me high for the first time
STRetard: and i was high as hell
dan: hell yeah
STRetard: good times
STRetard: dude, do you remember when we made screw drivers out of oj and beer
STRetard: we had no idea at the time
STRetard: we were probably like 10-11
dan: LOL.
dan: nice
dan: smoking cigs in my bedroom
STRetard: or wraping video tapes around the tree
STRetard: hell yeah
dan: LOL
STRetard: we were hardcore
STRetard: calling pizza and cabs for people
STRetard: kids can't do that now
STRetard: caller id is a fucker
dan: damn right we were, growing up on the mean streets of RO.
dan: lol
dan: i remember the cabbie and pizza, that was awesome
dan: cabbies would get so pissed
STRetard: oh hell yeah
dan: you have a girlfriend
STRetard: they filled up their tank for a long ride to the airport
STRetard: we just broke up, but i'm sure something will come along
STRetard: i'm just trying to get in shape first
dan: lol. thats what we'd tell them.
dan: right on.
dan: well, my man, its been good
dan: but i have to be going
STRetard: hell yeah, nice talking to you
dan: good talking with you old friend
dan: "dan" signed off at Thu Jul 29 16:27:29 2010.
End of dan buffer: Thu Jul 29 16:27:49 2010

Re: I haven't seen this guy in over 15 years - Insanecowposse - 07-31-2010

Good talk you had. I wish I could catch up with soe people i went to school with. I laughed at the Oj and beer part.

Re: I haven't seen this guy in over 15 years - Stoopid Dog - 08-19-2010

STR if your polish, Im going to make fun of you daily about it. Fuck POLOCKS!

Re: I haven't seen this guy in over 15 years - sTr - 08-20-2010

half polish and half italian, and both halves could fuck you up...