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Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - Printable Version

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Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - dirtymonkey22 - 07-14-2010

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Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - Paullehh - 07-15-2010

Why would they kill em if they were some kind of never seen before animal lol
Retarded americans.
It's probably a diseased dog of some kind.

Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - Insanecowposse - 07-16-2010

the chupacabra has been sighted many many times but never captured. People were saying that it was killing their cattle and chickens and goats. One of the nicknames for the cupcabra was the goatsucker. They don't give a shit about researching the new species they just want to get rid of the nuisance. I guess thats why they would kill it.

Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - Grimlin - 07-16-2010

Chupacabra is green....a Mexican told me so. They are also suppose to be some kind of magical evil creature.Which means they can't be caught.


Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - sTr - 07-16-2010

fuckin' Chupacabra's, how do they work?!

Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - Grimlin - 07-17-2010

That's the magic...nobody really knows.

Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - sTr - 07-17-2010

ass dan's kids look just like Chupacabra, my kids look just like Chupacabra

Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - Grimlin - 07-17-2010


Re: Chupacabra Sighting Times Two from yahoo news - Insanecowposse - 07-22-2010

I guess they were going to do a DNA test to determine whether or not it was a chulupacabra. My question is since they have never seen a chupacabra what dna would they compare it to? To me it looks like an inbred coyote.