Board 6
metro parent magazine fail - Printable Version

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metro parent magazine fail - dirtymonkey22 - 07-07-2010

my wife brought this home thinking i would find this funny thats why i love her
special edition
with special kids lololol bajaj bajaj bajaj bajaj LOL

[Image: dclc.png]

Re: metro parent magazine fail - Insanecowposse - 07-07-2010

I know i am going to hell for laughing but damn that is funny.

Re: metro parent magazine fail - sTr - 08-28-2010

anything with retards is always funny... they are like monkeys that try to be humans... here's a few images to reflect on that statement...
[Image: V698o.gif]
[Image: monkey_wearing_clothes-11981.jpg]
[Image: scooter_monkey.jpg]

Re: metro parent magazine fail - dirtymonkey22 - 08-29-2010

so true monkeys are awsome

Re: metro parent magazine fail - Insanecowposse - 08-29-2010

damn it now we have to start a monkey thread