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Is the youtube converters safe to install onto your computer - Printable Version

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Is the youtube converters safe to install onto your computer - Guest - 04-13-2010

My computor says it has a virus, and it wants me to download their anti virus software ( which I know is just spyware and is a scam) so I always press cancel. Now my computor freezes about 30 seconds after I log on and it will not let me acess the Internet. How can I get it to stop freezing so I can download the anti malware software?? Or how can I just get rid of it all together.


Re: Is the youtube converters safe to install onto your computer - sTr - 04-13-2010

if it doesn't let you access the internet how can you post here... system restore if you are real.. also if you are real what is 1 plus 1?

Re: Is the youtube converters safe to install onto your computer - dirtymonkey22 - 04-13-2010

i had something called anyvideoconverter its free and theres a good youtube ripper on it you just copy the YT link to it and hit start

Re: Is the youtube converters safe to install onto your computer - F-Disk - 04-14-2010

when the computer is booting press f8 and then start computer in safe mode with networking so u can get on the net.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m --> download that andrun a fulll scan in safe mode

also <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m --> best free antivirus in the world

Re: Is the youtube converters safe to install onto your computer - F-Disk - 04-14-2010

also use this to get youtube videos <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m --> no crappy program

Re: Is the youtube converters safe to install onto your computer - CranialEntropy - 04-15-2010
