Board 6
Remenisce....or whatever... - Printable Version

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Remenisce....or whatever... - Enigma - 03-09-2010

So sunday I was out in the back of the house going through my stuff, trying to decide what to keep and what to toss. I have this bag with letters I used to get when I moved to New Mexico. I have letters from friends and post cards etc. Then I found the christmas cards from B6 christmas card exchange, I had one from insaynescrubalette, joe(toxzic), and midgetfux0r. I was so amused when I found them!!! Then I found a letter from Joshy that he wrote when he was in the national guard. It was like 3 pages long front and back...I could hardly read his chicken scratch...but I sat there and deciphered it anyway.

Good times. I've had some good times being friends with all of you and I just wanted to say, thank you. :) :) :)

Re: Remenisce....or whatever... - sTr - 03-09-2010

hell yeah, B6 is awesome... that's why ! keep this place around... it won't die anymore.. it might be slow but it will still be up... son

Re: Remenisce....or whatever... - Midgetfuxer - 03-10-2010

I pulled out my scrap book and had pics of us at the b6bbq good times

Re: Remenisce....or whatever... - juggalogigolo - 03-11-2010

the very FIRST b6bq, man that was back in the fuckin day, like 02 i think

Re: Remenisce....or whatever... - Grimlin - 03-11-2010


Re: Remenisce....or whatever... - Midgetfuxer - 03-11-2010

yup the one at dps house well old house

Re: Remenisce....or whatever... - Joshy - 03-30-2010


i write terribly

Re: Remenisce....or whatever... - Enigma - 04-03-2010

You really do. I think I'd've had an easier time translating hiroglyphics. But that's half the fun of reading it!

I've never been to a b6bq. :( this makes me sad.