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Excuse for my absense - Printable Version

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Excuse for my absense - Insanecowposse - 03-09-2010

Ok so a few real life things came up recently that got me a little busy. First I re-united with Jamie a girl who half of the board has slept with and after 5 years of being seperated decided to stay married. <stupid I know but damn i wasn't getting laid and i was lonely DOn't judge me> If that wasn't stupid enough I got her ass pregnant. The pics are on her facebook and she is 14 weeks along approxiamately. Seeing as there was an obvious sudden financial burden I decided to change careers cus single income retail isn't great for raising a baby. Also I live here at Larry's and She lives with her mom , brother,sister, sisters boyfriend, aunt and her mother also they have a dog and there are 3 cats in the house. Long story short I need to get a lot of money to A. move us in together hopefully before the baby is born B. Get a second car for taking the kids to school while I am at work C. Obvious baby stuff . Anyways I got a new job Selling Life/casualty/medicare supplement insurance and annuitys through a company called Bankers Casualty and Life. They are in 49 out of the 50 states. I have to take online courses and then take a 3 day advanced class to get me certified to sell the different insurance policies <boring shit I know> So I was thinking about my wife my soon to be first born and my career. I know its no excuse but its why I was away.

Re: Excuse for my absense - Paullehh - 03-09-2010

Congratulations on getting laid.
And welcome back.

Re: Excuse for my absense - Midgetfuxer - 03-09-2010

Welcome back ... it sucks growing up and doing grown up shit

Re: Excuse for my absense - sTr - 03-09-2010

get her to post

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Excuse for my absense - Insanecowposse - 03-13-2010

she couldn't handle it here. Watching and reading this stuff might make the baby come out saying goatse or something

Re: Excuse for my absense - sTr - 03-13-2010

that would be the bimb...

Re: Excuse for my absense - dirtymonkey22 - 03-14-2010

ohh steve you would be the happiest man alive if your kid came out saying goatse

Re: Excuse for my absense - Grimlin - 03-14-2010

It would probably be funny...

Re: Excuse for my absense - dirtymonkey22 - 03-14-2010

[Image: akhbmn.jpg]

WELL THE LAST PART HE MIGHT KILL ME FOR bajaj bajaj bajaj bajaj Goatse

Re: Excuse for my absense - dirtymonkey22 - 03-15-2010

this is cowposses ultra sound pic realy

[Image: 26902133856177686710158.jpg]