Board 6
I'm here to save kittens - Printable Version

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I'm here to save kittens - crys - 02-25-2010

yep, don't hurt them STR

Re: I'm here to save kittens - Grimlin - 02-25-2010

That email has gotten a lot of attention......

I busted out laughing at that one.

Re: I'm here to save kittens - crys - 02-25-2010

it inspired me to save at least one kitten, that might be all I have time to save though.

Re: I'm here to save kittens - dirtymonkey22 - 02-25-2010

notice freds letting the kittens die what a dick

Re: I'm here to save kittens - crys - 02-26-2010

what a dick, who would want to let poor kittens die.

speaking of that, my kids cat got out last night and we can't find him :(

Re: I'm here to save kittens - Grimlin - 02-26-2010

Once a Cat tastes freedom...generally they don't want back in the house.

I had this problem with every cat we had.

Re: I'm here to save kittens - crys - 02-26-2010

We got him from the pound so I'm sure he has tasted outside life before. This is bullshit though because the babysitter let him out and yea, it's my 6 year olds cat and she fucking adores him.

Re: I'm here to save kittens - Grimlin - 02-26-2010


Re: I'm here to save kittens - Midgetfuxer - 02-26-2010

Yea we've lost like 3 cats in the last 4yrs =-/..I miss big baby

Re: I'm here to save kittens - Paullehh - 02-27-2010

He needs to start advertising that every post on the board donates $1 to Haiti Happy

Re: I'm here to save kittens - sTr - 02-27-2010

and after we get a lot of posts ! can say it was a typo and say that every post is actually $1 towards hating.... it'll be awesome...

Re: I'm here to save kittens - Midgetfuxer - 02-27-2010

lol someone would try and sue the board

Re: I'm here to save kittens - Slacker - 02-27-2010

fuck a cats

Re: I'm here to save kittens - crys - 02-28-2010

Bob the cat was home when I got home from work Friday night, but the babysitter said my 6 year old had cried herself to sleep worrying about him whatev though he is home now.

Re: I'm here to save kittens - Enigma - 02-28-2010

i would not post anymore if my posts went to benefit haiti. i'd rather help a fund that helps people in my own country.

Re: I'm here to save kittens - sTr - 03-01-2010

Haiti is for suckersband it sucks to be a sucker

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Re: I'm here to save kittens - Grimlin - 03-01-2010

I'd post more and help Haiti and turn them all into slaves.

Whip cracking and picking the cotton fields.