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favorite olympic sport - Printable Version

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favorite olympic sport - sTr - 02-16-2010

!'ve been watching the Olympics for a few reasons...

1. ! haven't started working yet
2. they are cool
3. it's the best thing on tv

so what is your favorite part of the winter Olympics, the hockey just started and the US team is pretty bad ass, but ! heard Steve Yzerman is coaching the Canadian team, which is pretty fuckin' epic...

Re: favorite olympic sport - Paullehh - 02-16-2010

curling Happy

Re: favorite olympic sport - sTr - 02-16-2010

word @ curling, ! was loving it earlier before hockey started..

Re: favorite olympic sport - Star - 02-17-2010

i don't know wtf curling is, but i do know that i don't consider most of the winter olympic games "sports", including skiing, skating of any sort, or sledding of any sort, even when called other names like whatever that poor guy died doing in a luge. luge-ing maybe.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Star - 02-17-2010

oh, to be fair, i don't think most of the regular olympics are sports either. "sports" to me implies competitive team games like soccer, american football, basketball, and baseball. not seeing how far you can throw a discus

Re: favorite olympic sport - Paullehh - 02-17-2010

So you are saying you don't know what sport means...
All you mentioned were "team sports"

Re: favorite olympic sport - Midgetfuxer - 02-17-2010

I don't have one

Re: favorite olympic sport - AwesomeeDude - 02-18-2010

I liked the snowboarding! Shaun White FTW!

Re: favorite olympic sport - tdot - 03-02-2010

hockey bajaj..

btw canada pwnd gold medals this year.. *busts out canadian flag*

and we pwnd the U.S in hockey GO CROSBY!

Re: favorite olympic sport - Grimlin - 03-02-2010

tdot Wrote:hockey bajaj..

btw canada pwnd gold medals this year.. *busts out canadian flag*

and we pwnd the U.S in hockey GO CROSBY!

Indeed.....We gotta let the little brother win once in awhile....

Re: favorite olympic sport - Stoopid Dog - 03-02-2010

Curling FTW.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Turdy McSmutbags - 03-02-2010

I watch curling all the time when I'm stoned as fuck at 6am.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Stoopid Dog - 03-02-2010

I miss watching it already.

Greatest sport ever.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Turdy McSmutbags - 03-02-2010

Good heroin makes it all the more better.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Stoopid Dog - 03-02-2010

-had a chance to buy 4 hits of acid for 25 bucks
-didnt cause 4 hits my first time = bad idea

Re: favorite olympic sport - Turdy McSmutbags - 03-02-2010

Pffft, pussy.

I did a lot of acid when I was a teenager. Can't do it anymore, it just makes my dick feel like I have to piss. Unless I drop like 8 hits of liquid in my eyes... But that gets expensive.

Re: favorite olympic sport - sTr - 03-02-2010

Just because you have four hits of acid doesn't mean you have to take them all at once...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: favorite olympic sport - Stoopid Dog - 03-02-2010

They was dropped on a sugar cube. No idea where the hits were or how to split it.

Re: favorite olympic sport - sTr - 03-02-2010

Mix that shit in some koolaide and drink just a bit of it....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: favorite olympic sport - Turdy McSmutbags - 03-02-2010

4 hits is fine to take your first time. Your first trip should be EPIC.
These are the ways of the world.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Stoopid Dog - 03-02-2010

hahaha, Im waiting for the single hits to come.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Turdy McSmutbags - 03-02-2010

Maybe you should stick to nutmeg.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Paullehh - 03-02-2010

Fuck acid.
Done a fair bit years ago when i was a teen and a good amount of mushroom (way more hallucinogenic)

Never again!

Re: favorite olympic sport - Turdy McSmutbags - 03-02-2010

If shrooms were more hallucinagenic than LSD then you got some bad shit. Probably cut all to hell. Fuck that strychnine bullshit, I'd just dump the pure liquid into my eyeballs.

Re: favorite olympic sport - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 03-14-2010

Word at hockey being the best team sport in the universe. Word at Crosby winning again. Word at pure LSD.