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kick ass trailer - Printable Version

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kick ass trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 02-03-2010

fuck i really want to see this movie i just read the comics its based off of and fuck its sweet

Re: kick ass trailer - N-Do - 02-04-2010

Yeah I seen a funny ass clip of this movie on AOTS a couple weeks back with Cage shooting the little girl, and after that I was sold.

Re: kick ass trailer - Paullehh - 02-04-2010

Are we becoming a movie discussion board?
That might work :P

Re: kick ass trailer - sTr - 02-04-2010

only if porno movies are aloud...

Re: kick ass trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 02-05-2010

well you run the board so then porn it is

Re: kick ass trailer - sTr - 02-05-2010

can ! get a dicktits?!

Re: kick ass trailer - sTr - 04-02-2010

god damnit, ! said CAN ! GET A DICKTITS!!!

Re: kick ass trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 04-03-2010

[Image: yepg.jpg]

[Image: ples.jpg]

Re: kick ass trailer - Paullehh - 04-03-2010


Re: kick ass trailer - sTr - 04-03-2010

thank you, ! was waiting patiently too damn long

Re: kick ass trailer - Midgetfuxer - 04-03-2010

Haha Dicktits looks fucking hardcore~ I'd like to see this movie also..... and I wanna see hot tub time machine.

Re: kick ass trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 04-04-2010

hot tub was pretty funny just saw clash of the titans and was disappointed

Re: kick ass trailer - sTr - 06-01-2010

! finally saw Kick Ass and it was pretty rad. Totally not what ! expected, but definitely good times. Nicholas Cage can always polish a turn, ! was just surprised that he didn't get his usual sex scene. ! swear Nicholas Cage always finagles sex scenes in his movies, even The Weather Man, WTF. seriously though, that movie is pretty win.

Re: kick ass trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 06-02-2010

i liked kick ass but they change some of the beast stuff out the comic wich pissed me off