Board 6
we need to do something for b6 - Printable Version

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we need to do something for b6 - dirtymonkey22 - 11-25-2009

come on guy its dieing dont let this happen

Re: we need to do something for b6 - sTr - 11-25-2009

it won't completely die this time around, ! am still working on b6v2 which will be the bimb, on a new server so slow times will be gone, hopefully..

Re: we need to do something for b6 - Grimlin - 11-25-2009

We need to stop chasing people away......Which most of us have a habit of doing so.

Plus we need something to actually talk about......Politics and religious needs to stay out because it's Gay.

Re: we need to do something for b6 - juggalogigolo - 11-26-2009

your mom is gay

Re: we need to do something for b6 - Paullehh - 11-26-2009

Fucking little boys in the ass is also gay.

If people make sure they post when they visit then there would be no problem.

Re: we need to do something for b6 - Grimlin - 11-26-2009

I usually do....

Re: we need to do something for b6 - Star - 11-27-2009

i usually don't, because inevitably i see something that pisses me off and decide to boycott b6 for awhile longer...

Re: we need to do something for b6 - dirtymonkey22 - 11-28-2009

but its b6 wwhat would piss you off anthing goes

Re: we need to do something for b6 - Slacker - 11-28-2009


Re: we need to do something for b6 - sTr - 11-29-2009

-posts as well, and ! made a new header, does anyone like it of have any suggestions for it?

Re: we need to do something for b6 - Grimlin - 11-29-2009

No suggestions....header is nice though...

Re: we need to do something for b6 - juggalogigolo - 11-29-2009


Re: we need to do something for b6 - Grimlin - 11-29-2009

fred Wrote:bajaj

I'm glad somebody caught that..... bajaj

Re: we need to do something for b6 - Keezie - 11-30-2009

posting videos and pictures is cool and stuff, but what made b6 successful in the past was a couple of things

1. n00b hating - always good for a laugh, and made for good conversation

2. personal shit - everyone knew everyone else's personal business on b6, and it made things better for everyone. we shared our problems, goals, and triumphs with each other

3. pointless shit - threads with subject lines such as "bajaj" and a post that said nothing more than "bajaj" and neverending quoting. shit like that, just made things funny. or the "what are you drinking" thread, etc