Board 6
We got our PS3! - Printable Version

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We got our PS3! - Autumn - 11-19-2009

Anyone play still? Right now we only have Little Big Planet, but will probably have some more games this weekend! :)

Re: We got our PS3! - sTr - 11-19-2009

good times, ! still want to get a ps3, but if ! ever do !'ll hit you up and beat you at some games online...

Re: We got our PS3! - N-Do - 11-20-2009

im working on getting one for x-mas finally.... but.... we'll see, i just wanna play MW2 right now.

Re: We got our PS3! - Toxic Love - 11-23-2009

I have one, Autumn. I really one use it to play DVD's and Blu-Rays though since I'm not into the gaming scene. I just flat-out don't have the time to dedicate to online gaming. I play Spyro and Sonic sometimes though.

Re: We got our PS3! - chickenplucka - 11-24-2009

Add me 'chickenplucka'


Re: We got our PS3! - tdot - 11-24-2009

-buying one very soon

and until then i will keep going to my friends house and playing online