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Black Friday - Grimlin - 11-13-2009

Anybody going out and try scoring some deals?

Normally i never do this,but this year with the economy being so bad I'm seeing some awesome frigging deals. Happy

I'm breaking out the C.C. and buying a few bulk stuff then selling them on Ebay for twice the price...I already know item is going to sell very well.I can't say what items,where and what store right now.If everything goes right I should be bringing in a $1000 profits....LOL.

Being Unemployed is bringing out my business man thinking skills. 8-)

Re: Black Friday - N-Do - 11-13-2009

Dont get squashed!!

IMO theres going to be badass deals online so you dont even have to leave the house and risk death lol, online black fridays ftw.

I think newegg should have some good deals on TV's and shit, we'll see.

I think we should do a black friday death/injuries pool.... anyone?

Re: Black Friday - Grimlin - 11-13-2009

word,Injury/death pool would be fun......sTr,whadda say.....sticky a black friday poll.

Re: Black Friday - Stoopid Dog - 11-13-2009

make it up, Ill sticky it

Re: Black Friday - sTr - 11-13-2009

Bajaj, he'll make it sticky for you...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Black Friday - Toxic Love - 11-16-2009

Did you go to that black friday ads web site? Most of the major stores have their shit up.

I worked at Toys R Us part time for a month, quit today (RIDICULOUS schedule, not the job description or amount of hours I was told I was getting, etc.), and wound up buying $400 worth of xmas shit on Friday anyway. Used my discount and I'm done. I got my dad Rock Band Beatles for the Wii (it's going to be from me and my siblings), and I got my sister DJ Hero for the Wii. I also picked up other random shit and gifts for my brother's bday.

I think I may go out to get a new desktop PC. Mine is about 5 years old and slow, and I don't want a laptop since my cat ruins keyboards (and I like my 23" screen). Best Buy has a good deal on a desktop PC package for like $300. They always do. My parents also want a new TV for the living room since theirs died over the summer. I tend to stay away from Kmart and Walmart. The Best Buy here is VERY efficient and safe for the sales (I used to work there), and so are my 2 local Targets. We also have a brand new PC Richards & Son and a 6th Ave. Electronics who always bust out good deals.

And if all else fails............... get the open box items. :)

Speaking of business man deals...
a few of us at my regular job were discussing this. How much cash do you think you'd make selling coffee and donuts to the people sitting in lines outside of stores? Like you could brew coffee in your car and sell a cup for like $3 each and make LOADS in one night if you pick the right store. Or (if a cop is on your balls), make Dunkin Donuts runs for people and get like a commission for it.

Re: Black Friday - Grimlin - 11-16-2009

I'm hoping the ones i want will do over online sales,it hasn't happened yet.

One of the stores took down their ad...that's the one I'm looking at...they had certain deals that could cause problems.I called up a buddy of mine and he said they wanted to keep it "hush hush" for whatever reason.He said the deals still going as far as he knows.

Re: Black Friday - sTr - 11-16-2009

they will have like 5 black fridays this year, they have a new one every week, next thing you know black friday sales are gonna start showing up in august soon...

Re: Black Friday - sTr - 11-27-2009

thanks to black friday ! was able to buy a new server, so B6V2 should be coming soon, with a bit of an updated look, and NO MORE LAG!!!!

Re: Black Friday - Ms Felony - 11-27-2009

nice header....

Re: Black Friday - Slacker - 11-27-2009


Re: Black Friday - Star - 11-27-2009

i'm still trying to get something online...i tried to buy something from amazon this morning as soon as it went on sale, but it said "waiting in line" and before it put the item in my cart it was sold out, within like 30 seconds. i won another deal on something i wanted, but gave it up to let somebody else buy it because it wasn't THAT great of a i'm waiting on the price for something fred wants to be revealed in like an hour. i don't know if it'll go as fast as the first thing i tried to buy...i hope not, but we'll see

Re: Black Friday - Grimlin - 11-27-2009

I got 3 fishing reels worth $600 for $300....Sold out by Thursday night.I already got people trying to talk me into selling them the reels...LOL. These reels hold their value pretty well.

They are going on Ebay as soon as i get them.Little Extra money doesn't hurt right now.....

Even if i decide to keep one I'll still profit....I don't know what I'll do yet.

Re: Black Friday - Toxic Love - 11-30-2009

I bought a new computer online at Best Buy with my Best Buy credit card. I saved $290 on that deal. My mom also used my card to get my sister a laptop for xmas... saved $130 on that I think.

I also went to Old Navy at 4:30am and bought a shitload of clothes (for me). I spent $136 and my receipt said I saved $106.

For the most part, my parents and sister are done. My brother I have to buy for since his birthday was last week. My boyfriend... his gifts is me paying for us to go to Vegas. Mind you, I said to GO... not STAY in Vegas, hahaha.

Re: Black Friday - SciRob - 11-30-2009

I didn't do anything concerning Black Friday. Except sleep.

Re: Black Friday - sTr - 12-01-2009

! wonder if slaves were cheaper on black friday, or if that's possibly how the whole darn thing started...

Re: Black Friday - SciRob - 12-02-2009

sTr Wrote:! wonder if slaves were cheaper on black friday, or if that's possibly how the whole darn thing started...
You know.. that would be entirely fucked up if that's how it happened.

Re: Black Friday - Ms Felony - 12-03-2009

That's exactly how it happened cause on monday you would get a good shipment of slaves, And through the week you would be selling them for profit but by friday you've sold all your good slaves so have to get rid of the skanky ones cheap on friday ready for the next batch on monday.

Re: Black Friday - Star - 12-03-2009

sounds plausible, but i've always been gullible. cyber monday is a joke, too...

Re: Black Friday - sTr - 12-03-2009

cyber monda was bullshit, there were better deals online on friday along with the retail stores, the cyber monday shot wasn't cheap, just shit that was on sale...

Re: Black Friday - Star - 12-03-2009

yeah, i didn't buy anything at all. i got a few things friday, but most of the shit i buy for fred isn't that popular so there aren't great deals anyway.

Re: Black Friday - Ms Felony - 12-04-2009

Star Wrote:yeah, i didn't buy anything at all. i got a few things friday, but most of the shit i buy for fred isn't that popular so there aren't great deals anyway.

a butt plug isn't popular?