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Never trust a Arab - Printable Version

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Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-06-2009

I'm sure you all heard of the Fort Hood shooting incident down in Texas.

What I can't figure out is why they didn't catch this shit.....The last 6 months Nidal Malik Hasan was showing signs of aggression against being deployed and this war.He should have been handed an Dishonorable discharge right there and then.Specially for starting fights and getting into arguments.I've got two friends who started 1 fight and they were gone(discharged)....and it wasn't even anything big.

In my honest to God opinion....NO MUSLIM should be in our camps as soldiers or doctors right now.Specially in the war we are fighting against. Call me racist,but I know for a God damn fact Arab will turn on you like a wild animal.I worked with those fuckers for years and even though i did make friends with them.....I never trusted them.I've seen them turn....they really will backstab your ass in a heartbeat if they don't agree with one little thing or opinion.

My instincts is almost always right.

And this is why i don't trust Obama for a mother fucking second......I never will.....

Re: Never trust a Arab - sTr - 11-06-2009

word, ! always went by the grotto "never trust a nigger" so ! know where you're coming from.. fuck em all..

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-06-2009

Honestly,no Arabs should even be fighting or involved with this war...I can totally understand why they are against this one.Rather they have family members there or it comes with culture.

If they support America and are proud to be Americans that's fine...but this war.....They need to stay out of.

He just made it worst now for the Arabs in service and in this country....he left us guessing if the rest of them here will do the same thing.It's not a good sense of feeling to have.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 11-07-2009

One of the worst consequences of the Ft. Hood shootings, besides the obvious loss of life is the bullshit racist backlash as seen in this thread. It's depressing to see just how backward and racist white working class people really are. Grim, your connecting of this incident to Obama shows just how bizzare and irrational racist thinking really is. There is absolutely no connection there in reality, but racism is forcing you to fabricate one. It doesn't even make sense. Obama is neither an arab nor a Muslim. Do you ever stop during a racist rant and think to yourself, "wait a minute, what the fuck am I talking about?"

This country will NEVER improve so long as people like you hold ridiculous ideas like that. The working class will never achieve better conditions as long as you hate your brothers based on a social construction like race and notions of white supremacy. The ruling class has always used racism to divide the working class. It's how they get your vote and political support even though your life sucks. They tell you, well, at least you've got it better than the blacks/mexicans/arabs, at least you're better than them. Then they lie and tell you all your taxes are going to welfare for minorities while in reality they distribute your money to the richest 1%. You've been duped sir. You say your instinct is almost always right. Well it's dead fucking wrong in this instance. Unfuck yourself and get your head on straight.

Your talk of arabs always stabbing you in the back and comparing them to wild animals is one of the most racist things I've heard someone say in recent times in this racist-ass country. It's on par with the nazis calling the Jews vermin. Arabs are human beings. I feel like I shouldn't be having to argue this point, but obviously you consider them less than human. The truth is that you and I, as working class people have more in common with working class arabs, working class Mexicans, working class blacks around the world than we do with white ruling class people.

As for your second post, that's what they said about Japanese Americans during WWII. Maybe you'd like to put the Arabs in camps, but the fact is that the 442nd regimental combat team (an all Japanese American unit) served in WWII and is the most highly decorated military unit in the history of the United States armed forces. Which just goes to show you that racism inevitably arises from a complete ignorance of history. I don't think you're a bad guy grim, but Jesus Christ. Some of us have arab friends and family and I'm not going to sit here and let you imply they're less than human.

Re: Never trust a Arab - CrAzYT - 11-07-2009

I agree with Alex, 100%.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-07-2009

Clizownmothafackoz17 Wrote:One of the worst consequences of the Ft. Hood shootings, besides the obvious loss of life is the bullshit racist backlash as seen in this thread. It's depressing to see just how backward and racist white working class people really are. Grim, your connecting of this incident to Obama shows just how bizzare and irrational racist thinking really is. There is absolutely no connection there in reality, but racism is forcing you to fabricate one. It doesn't even make sense. Obama is neither an arab nor a Muslim. Do you ever stop during a racist rant and think to yourself, "wait a minute, what the fuck am I talking about?"

This country will NEVER improve so long as people like you hold ridiculous ideas like that. The working class will never achieve better conditions as long as you hate your brothers based on a social construction like race and notions of white supremacy. The ruling class has always used racism to divide the working class. It's how they get your vote and political support even though your life sucks. They tell you, well, at least you've got it better than the blacks/mexicans/arabs, at least you're better than them. Then they lie and tell you all your taxes are going to welfare for minorities while in reality they distribute your money to the richest 1%. You've been duped sir. You say your instinct is almost always right. Well it's dead fucking wrong in this instance. Unfuck yourself and get your head on straight.

Your talk of arabs always stabbing you in the back and comparing them to wild animals is one of the most racist things I've heard someone say in recent times in this racist-ass country. It's on par with the nazis calling the Jews vermin. Arabs are human beings. I feel like I shouldn't be having to argue this point, but obviously you consider them less than human. The truth is that you and I, as working class people have more in common with working class arabs, working class Mexicans, working class blacks around the world than we do with white ruling class people.

As for your second post, that's what they said about Japanese Americans during WWII. Maybe you'd like to put the Arabs in camps, but the fact is that the 442nd regimental combat team (an all Japanese American unit) served in WWII and is the most highly decorated military unit in the history of the United States armed forces. Which just goes to show you that racism inevitably arises from a complete ignorance of history. I don't think you're a bad guy grim, but Jesus Christ. Some of us have arab friends and family and I'm not going to sit here and let you imply they're less than human.

blah,blah,blah you missed the entire point....just stating,putting a person with the same religious and culture shouldn't be in service fighting a war they relate to.It's going to cause complications.It's common sense....this is exactly what happened.

Mexicans are another story i won't get into right now....

Re: Never trust a Arab - Paullehh - 11-07-2009

Racism is healthy in the way, that we are in danger of letting too many musilms into white countrys, and they will become the vast majority culture in future.

A healthy percentage of people holding hate could perhaps lead to action being taken before it gets even more out of control.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-07-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Racism is healthy in the way, that we are in danger of letting too many musilms into white countrys, and they will become the vast majority culture in future.

A healthy percentage of people holding hate could perhaps lead to action being taken before it gets even more out of control.

They are here in Dearborn,MI. We have one of the top Arabic communities(United state rated) right there in that city.

I don't hate them...hate is a strong word.Some of them come here and live the way they are suppose to live,they learn and love our American culture as well as democracy.It's the people who try to abuse their privileges are the ones i have problems with.I worked with a guy who was getting food stamps and double government income(tax incomes are lower yet get more back) on top of making more money for the same job i was doing.I thought about reporting him....but fuck it....I figure what will come around goes around and it usually does.He'll get caught sooner or later.

Mexicans and Arabs are very common related to this subject. It may not be all of them doing this....the majority however are doing it.This is why i can't get myself to trust them.....The majority ruin it for the minority.

Texas and California for years have been having Illegal aliens coming into this country taking an "American" job doing it less and living in house holds of 3+ families.While the normal American trying to get a decent paying job now is rare because these guys are doing it for less.Cost of living going up,but the pay is going down.It makes no sense to me...yet makes perfect sense when you think about it. Sooner or later the rest of us will have to do the same....It's already coming to that point with my family...I'm going to have to live with another family to be able to pay my bills soon.

Just take our prison system for an example....Mexicans and African Americans run and own our prison systems.Criminal bloodline runs it thick.

I grew up in Texas where Mexican gangs such as MS-13 ran the streets.....There's really no way to stop them either...more and more people are crossing the boarder and joining this gang for the glory of the Mexican culture and drug trade.Hating them could discourage this run them out of our could be worth a try i guess....

Re: Never trust a Arab - Paullehh - 11-07-2009

Getting rid of ethnics is a problem the politicians are too cowardly to take up as they risk getting branded nazis or racists...
Now you got a nig nog prez, your fucked.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-07-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Getting rid of ethnics is a problem the politicians are too cowardly to take up as they risk getting branded nazis or racists...
Now you got a nig nog prez, your fucked.


Re: Never trust a Arab - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 11-07-2009

Grim, you did a great job of illustrating everything I just said. You believe (just as the ruling class wants you to) that you're poor and things are getting worse for you because the minorities are getting all the welfare. It'd be hilarious that you actually somehow believed that if it wasn't so tragic. POOR MINORITIES ARE HURTING WORSE THAN ANYONE IN THIS RECESSION. The redistribution of wealth is not to them, it's to the richest 1%, almost all of which is white. Your backward, racist beliefs are holding you back and holding back the working people of America as a whole, because we'll never fight back against the ruling class as long as we're duped into fighting eachother.
And Paulleh, "getting rid of ethnics"? Is that like "exterminating the vermin?" When did this turn into a nazi/white supremacist board?

Re: Never trust a Arab - Paullehh - 11-07-2009

Clizownmothafackoz17 Wrote:Grim, you did a great job of illustrating everything I just said. You believe (just as the ruling class wants you to) that you're poor and things are getting worse for you because the minorities are getting all the welfare. It'd be hilarious that you actually somehow believed that if it wasn't so tragic. POOR MINORITIES ARE HURTING WORSE THAN ANYONE IN THIS RECESSION. The redistribution of wealth is not to them, it's to the richest 1%, almost all of which is white. Your backward, racist beliefs are holding you back and holding back the working people of America as a whole, because we'll never fight back against the ruling class as long as we're duped into fighting eachother.
And Paulleh, "getting rid of ethnics"? Is that like "exterminating the vermin?" When did this turn into a nazi/white supremacist board?
Well i exagerate and take the piss.
I really ment just put a stop to the amount of imigration and controll over the growth and amount of ethnic presance.
The growth of musilms for example over the last 20 years in the states is something over 3000% more than than there were living there 20 years previous, and the numbers are swelling with both newborns and imigration.
This is a problem that is going to run right out of control if it is not sorted.
White americans will be the minority in a short time period.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-07-2009


cough cough *BULLSHIT* cough cough....

I keep forgetting to ignore your ass when it comes to this stuff ....You and me refuse to agree to disagree on these topics.I should have known this from the start.

anyways.....Just like i stated..... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ng_muslims</a><!-- m -->

I love it when I'm right......[quote]He just made it worst now for the Arabs in service and in this country....he left us guessing if the rest of them here will do the same thing.It's not a good sense of feeling to have.[quote] It's funny even the Arabs agree with me....

Re: Never trust a Arab - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 11-08-2009

Grimlin Wrote:
cough cough *BULLSHIT* cough cough....
The average black family in the United States has 1/6th the wealth of the average white family in the United States. Black and Latino unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment. As the recession has progressed, Blacks and Latinos have been laid off at much higher rates. These are concrete economic facts. Counter them with some of your own or concede the point that POOR MINORITIES ARE HURTING WORSE THAN ANYONE IN THIS RECESSION.
Quote:I love it when I'm right......He just made it worst now for the Arabs in service and in this country....he left us guessing if the rest of them here will do the same thing.It's not a good sense of feeling to have. It's funny even the Arabs agree with me....
I never argued that there wouldn't be a backlash. You're part of that backlash!!!
Paullehh Wrote:White americans will be the minority in a short time period.
My response is a resounding "so what?" Unless you're a white supremacist that is completely irrelevant.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Paullehh - 11-08-2009

Clizownmothafackoz17 Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:White americans will be the minority in a short time period.
My response is a resounding "so what?" Unless you're a white supremacist that is completely irrelevant.
Ummm, perhaps some people wouldn't like there culture to be wiped off the face of the earth?
The bigger that this problem gets the faster it grows.
It's inevitable at the end of it white americans would no longer exist, or be in such small numbers that it is insignificant and you will become a muslim nation.
Do you really think that America would be the same place if there was a huge Muslim majority?
No, it would be run as a Muslim nation just like any other...

If this is something you would support then you are no better than any other terrorist that wishes to destroy America and kill its people.
In that case you should most deffo head off to Afghanistan were you will be happy...

I was looking for some stuff on this when i came across this video.
I in no way am saying this video is accurate but i think it gives the general idea of what i am talking about.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Autumn - 11-08-2009

This is the type of thing that makes this board not so fun to come to anymore. Stuff like this gets everyone pissed off and not like each other.

I skimmed over most of it, and I'll just try to reiterate and lend my opinion on the stuff I do remember reading.

There is NO WAY, I mean no possible way, to end ethnicity in this country. Border jumpers cannot be stopped, unless we, like, require all other countries to put collars on their current residents and all newborns, and put a gigantic electric fence up. That's just silly talk. This is why America is a DIVERSE country. :)

And besides, I'm sure there's at least one Middle Eastern/Arabian person that's not a Muslim. lol

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-08-2009

I actually respect Clizownmothafackoz17 because he has a different way of thinking than i do.It's just we ain't ever gonna agree on things like this...LOL...I think he knows that too.

Besides this board is deader than dead....thought i spark up something around here.

As far as not being able to stop boarder jumpers...that's a given fact.Unless America gets tougher such as shooting everyone and anyone crossing those boarder or something to that extreme it won't stop them from wanting to jump over here.I ask this question to every Illegal Mexican i talk to and never could get a straight answer."Why not clean up your own country instead of jumping over here."Then proceed to say "Isn't that the coward way out?"...It's funny how dumb they turn when i ask these questions...

Regardless how hateful I'm sounding....i do have friends of other cultures & creed...

Re: Never trust a Arab - Slacker - 11-08-2009

weren't white immigrants the ones who started America in the first place?

also, painting a whole race with one brush is pretty silly

unless its those white assholes :p

Re: Never trust a Arab - Stoopid Dog - 11-08-2009

Grimlin Wrote:And this is why i don't trust Obama for a mother fucking second......I never will.....

Get over it. He won for a reason. yo Yo YO

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-08-2009

Stoopid Dog Wrote:
Grimlin Wrote:And this is why i don't trust Obama for a mother fucking second......I never will.....

Get over it. He won for a reason. yo Yo YO

He won because people thought they'd make history....he didn't win because of his political views. ;)

We'll regret him in the office in the next 4-8 years from now(honestly believe that)....He's already driving our national debt even deeper than Bush did.

I'm just crossing my fingers we don't get this Government health care completely passed.....This is going to destroy democracy that we know it.If you guys hate the government now...just imagine everything being run by government.It leaves me a scary feeling....I don't like it.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Stoopid Dog - 11-08-2009

To me, to use the national debt as his fuck up is weak. That thing has been down hill since who knows when. To make history is NOT why I voted for him.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-08-2009

Stoopid Dog Wrote:To me, to use the national debt as his fuck up is weak. That thing has been down hill since who knows when. To make history is NOT why I voted for him.

Not saying you voted for him to make history...I know you better than that...but the majority voted for him for the wrong reasons.I'm seeing broken promises just like you guys saw when Bush was in office.

Well he did promise us he'd figure a way out of it right? Rolls Eyes

I just don't understand why people always say around here "don't trust the government" but yet they all want government run health care and so forth.It makes no sense to me....Do you guys realize how much taxes are going to hiked up on this?I really think we will regret this move.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Stoopid Dog - 11-08-2009

agag, i just came in here to stir shit up. I have no point.

Id like to save this thread in whole. Please let me know when I can lock.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Paullehh - 11-08-2009

Nobody said anything about wipeing out ethnics.
The point is to stop the influx of imigration being at the level it is.
Other countrys manage this no problem.
If you set immigration rates to have growth at a higher rate than the native population then you are as good as signing your country over to them and ensureing the death of your own race.
There is no other way for it to go.
Nobody wants a all white culture, there are obvious advantages to a mixed sociaty.
It must be kept so minority races within any country in the world remain the minority if they wish to see there race survive in that country.

It's not racist to defend your family from genocide.

Re: Never trust a Arab - Grimlin - 11-08-2009

Stoopid Dog Wrote:agag, i just came in here to stir shit up. I have no point.

Id like to save this thread in whole. Please let me know when I can lock.

Word at stirring shit up....... yo Yo YO

I need to quit drinking coffee... Coffee

Re: Never trust a Arab - sTr - 11-08-2009

coffee is awesome... ! can quit smoking, but ! will never stop drinking coffee...