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My feet - Printable Version

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My feet - Enigma - 10-28-2009

are cold.

that is all.

thank you and goodnight.


Re: My feet - sTr - 10-28-2009

! Know how you feel, ! Had to put on socks cause it was so cold here.. ! Hate that shit...

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Re: My feet - Enigma - 10-28-2009

i have socks on. i'm gonna have to upgrade to slippers. i decided i hate the winter more than the summer.

Re: My feet - Star - 10-28-2009

my feet and hands are always freezing. our house has shit insulation which doesn't help. last winter i had to sleep with a sleeping pad under my feet. what sucks is that my feet get cold, but putting on socks and slippers doesn't help. i have to take a hot bath to make them warm and then hurry up and layer stuff over them.

ps :-* leslie

Re: My feet - Enigma - 10-28-2009

stick them on fred. that's what bf's are for. :)

Re: My feet - Star - 10-28-2009

he won't let me, and yet, when his hands are freezing, he always wants to stick them on my stomach, or worse, down my pants. he can kind of be an asshole like that.

Re: My feet - Enigma - 10-28-2009

lol. some guys are. :) but we love them for it anyways.

Re: My feet - Star - 10-28-2009

i almost quit facebook this morning because i was waiting on you to yell at fred, things like that make me cringe no matter who i agree with, it's like watching a trainwreck and it feels bad.

Re: My feet - Grimlin - 10-28-2009

Enigma Wrote:i decided i hate the winter more than the summer. bad can it be in NM?

Winter does suck.....I didn't even mind the 100 degree Texas summers.....matter of fact i LOVED it!I'm not a cold person either.

Re: My feet - Enigma - 11-03-2009

Star Wrote:i almost quit facebook this morning because i was waiting on you to yell at fred, things like that make me cringe no matter who i agree with, it's like watching a trainwreck and it feels bad.
lol. i JUST read this. i didn't yell at Fred, cuz everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I don't like people talking crap to Tina, cuz i love Tina. if i were a lesbian, i'd stalk her, i really really would. but she gave him a piece of her mind and that was all there was to it. plus i was at work when they had that argument. lol. i didn't read it til i got home that afternoon. :)

and gets pretty bad here, but right now the lowest has been like 20 something...but that's pretty cold for me. i used to be okay with the weather, cuz i was raised in Delaware, but in the past 6.5 years i've become acclimated, so i hate this weather!

Re: My feet - Grimlin - 11-03-2009

I've been up here 6 years and i still hate this cold weather.I lost my Mexican tan....I'm white

Re: My feet - Enigma - 11-05-2009

i'm so white.