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still trying to collect unemployment - Printable Version

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still trying to collect unemployment - sTr - 10-26-2009

it's been over 3 weeks now, and every time ! send something in to them they find a way to fuck it up. so initially ! filed and they sent me a letter saying they couldn't do it at the time because ! had to collect my vacation pay first. Funny part about that is ! did collect it before ! filed, and it was for a whopping 5.66 hours. Anyway, so ! dealt with that, faxed the shit in and never heard back. Called em back a week and a half later and they never touched my paperwork. Back on the phone, over an hour of hole, get the lady on the phone and she said it was because ! never filed my weekly claim. ! told her that ! had no indication to do so since it wasn't approved yet, so she went and back dated everything for me, filed for me, everything was looking good. Saturday comes around(over a week after the last call) and ! get another letter that says sorry can't pay because you said you worked this day. Pretty much, the dumb ass that was on the phone hit one of the filing answers wrong, on top of that they had the wrong collection amount. The amount was supposed to be $240/week, and they had $117 down. Called em up again today, waited on hold for 2 hours this time, the lady pretty much tells me take the $117 or cancel and restart the whole process, with a one week waiting period for the cancellation. Needless to say, ! ripped them a new fuckin' asshole for everyone in their family tree, and guess what, it fuckin' worked, they are kissing my ass and getting it done today, hopefully. ! told them ! was suing them for causing me to loose my house because they have incompetent workers. fuck them, fuck the government, and when ! get my first unemployment check !'m spending it all on drugs, hookers and anything else that illegal that gets in my way.

Re: still trying to collect unemployment - Grimlin - 10-26-2009

Damn that sucks.....I did mine online and it was fairly easy.Only one part threw me off and that was what did i make for 6 months back in 07'-08'.I just divided my total pay and put that number down.I don't see how else i would Close enough right?

All i had to do was go into Michigan works before a certain date and have them stamp my paperwork which was provided by the company i worked for.They just entered my name into the computer and said i was there and pressed 'yes' to get unemployment.That was it.....

Now i just have to call every 2 weeks to MARVIN(computerized system) who is my best friend in the world and gives me my checks.Been calling in for almost a year

If you have to call in like we do....DO NOT MISS THAT CALL IN TIME AND DATE! Otherwise your check is coming late,if you depend on those checks to be there by a certain time you'll regret it.I did it once and i was late on a few bills that week.Which hurt,because i had to pay late fees.....which royally sucked.

Re: still trying to collect unemployment - Grimlin - 10-26-2009

To make matters worst,I just found out yesterday (WAYNE COUNTY) where we live has the highest unemployment percentage.They said we took the hardest hit in America as far as job losses went.This was on the National news if anybody caught that.It explains why i can't find a job.....I've never been out of work like this in my entire life.

I'm still making plans once my unemployment runs out,Michigan can kiss my ass goodbye...There's no way we are going to survive.We'll be pretty much homeless. :(

Re: still trying to collect unemployment - Ms Felony - 10-26-2009

the world is devolving into a fiery ball of death.

Re: still trying to collect unemployment - sTr - 11-09-2009

just had to call these bastids again.... they said it should be fixed this time, but that's what they've been saying for more then a month now, still waiting on $$

Re: still trying to collect unemployment - Grimlin - 11-09-2009

Damn....they really fucking you over........

Why don't you just spend your day up there talking to the head person there.If i was you I'd start getting people fired right about now.

Re: still trying to collect unemployment - sTr - 11-09-2009

they have no place to go here, it's all online or over the phone... ! think ! finally got it resolved today, ! hope so at least....