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Old Self vs. Current Self - Printable Version

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Old Self vs. Current Self - sTr - 10-16-2009

now this one is a bit more personal, and a bit less pop culture, but who gives a shit... pretty self explanatory, do you like the old you(when you were younger), or would you rather pal around with the you that you are now today?

! kinda wish ! could take some from the old and a lot more from the new, that being said !'ll probably have to go with the current me... at least it's a good answer to ward of depression, bajaj...

Re: Old Self vs. Current Self - N-Do - 10-17-2009

Yeah, I'd have to go with current self, but I totally agree with you on some of the old and most of the new though, I'm definatly in that boat.

Re: Old Self vs. Current Self - Grimlin - 10-18-2009

The only old me in wish i had was my energy and good looks.....All of that is quickly fading now....either way,i pick the current me.

In another 30-40 years from now when i done gone crazy and lost my mind while shitting in my briefs I'll wish i was back to my now current self.

Re: Old Self vs. Current Self - tdot - 10-18-2009

yea im going with myself, compared to how i was a few years back ive cleaned up my act and stay out of trouble and am i school now.. completely a 180 of what i was

Re: Old Self vs. Current Self - cupcake - 10-21-2009

I totally prefer my current self over my past-self.
I have grown up a lot over the years, and I'm a lot less of a pushover than I was just a few years ago.

Re: Old Self vs. Current Self - fghtffyrdmns - 02-02-2010

Current self, because I worked hard to be where I am right now, even though I'm not anywhere awesome. I was also a grade A herb. :)