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paranormal activity.. - Printable Version

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paranormal activity.. - evulninja - 10-16-2009

went to see that last night.. that movie was fuckin retarded. dont waste your time or money. its worse than blair witch project..

Re: paranormal state.. - XIII - 10-16-2009

Do you mean Paranormal Activity?

Re: paranormal state.. - evulninja - 10-16-2009

yeah. my bad. it was so awful i left halfway through.

Re: paranormal activity.. - N-Do - 10-16-2009

Yeah I've been wondering about this. Good to know.

Re: paranormal state.. - Grimlin - 10-16-2009

evulninja Wrote:yeah. my bad. it was so awful i left halfway through.

Should have told them you had to leave during an emergency.Ask for a refund or reimburse you for different tickets.

Re: paranormal activity.. - evulninja - 10-16-2009

i didnt pay for the tickets. my friend won them from a radio station.

Re: paranormal activity.. - Grimlin - 10-16-2009

ahhh....No big deal then.

Re: paranormal activity.. - evulninja - 10-16-2009

word. still wasted a lot of gas going there though

Re: paranormal activity.. - Star - 10-16-2009

i kind of want to see it, i bet i'd like it because i get scared a lot more easily than most

Re: paranormal activity.. - sTr - 10-16-2009

!'m waiting on a good download...

Re: paranormal activity.. - Star - 10-16-2009

yeah, maybe if someone puts one up fred'll download it and we can watch it at home so if it sucks or i think it's scary we can just turn it off, no waste of $24

Re: paranormal activity.. - evulninja - 10-16-2009

Star Wrote:i kind of want to see it, i bet i'd like it because i get scared a lot more easily than most
its not even scary.. its just some dude running a camera while him and his girl sleep..

Re: paranormal activity.. - Toxic Love - 10-17-2009

I thought BWP was better... although that isn't saying much considering I thought the sequel to that movie was better than the original, hahah.

The only reason people liked the movie was due to the ending, which STEVEN SPIELBERG re-wrote and filmed.

Re: paranormal activity.. - juggalogigolo - 10-17-2009

hahah i thought blair witch 2 was better as well!

Re: paranormal activity.. - Paullehh - 10-17-2009


Re: paranormal activity.. - Star - 10-17-2009

i've never seen bwp

Re: paranormal activity.. - sTr - 10-18-2009

it's pretty neat, it was cooler back when it came out because of the marketing strategy that was going on for that movie back then...

Re: paranormal activity.. - tdot - 10-18-2009

i heard that paranomal was based on true events which i thought was pretty cool but yet again i guess ud have to beleive in that sort of thing to be scared of it.. and i also heard its supposed to be the scariest movie that they have put out in the past 10 years.. but yet again media lies about that shit

Re: paranormal activity.. - Grimlin - 10-18-2009

Everybody I've talked to says it's scary as shit...This is the only forum I've heard saying this movie sucks.

Re: paranormal activity.. - tdot - 10-18-2009

i say i go see it and judge for myself i heard that saw when it first came out was soft and not worth going to see now its one of my favourite movie. and im stoked on number 6

Re: paranormal activity.. - Grimlin - 10-18-2009

I'll wait till blockbuster....I rarely go to see movies now.Costs me like $20-$30 every time i do go.I ain't got that kind of money anymore.I can get like 4-5 movies from blockbusters for that price.

Re: paranormal activity.. - tdot - 10-18-2009

i usually get gift cirtificates and shit from my work as insentives for doing special orders and shit ontop of my commition that i get.. its pretty sick, not to mention that it keeps the costs down on shit

Re: paranormal activity.. - Grimlin - 10-18-2009


Re: paranormal activity.. - tdot - 10-18-2009

yea, and if the store does good over all in the yearly quarters we get 100 dollar bonus and i just got a 400 dollar one for signing the most people up for credit cards bajaj

my works to easy sometimes

Re: paranormal activity.. - Grimlin - 10-18-2009

Not to shabby....I used to get bonuses like that....I actually miss working.

Re: paranormal activity.. - tdot - 10-18-2009

its weird tho bc my work in the states is considered a shitty job.. but i make a killing working here..

Re: paranormal activity.. - Grimlin - 10-18-2009

If it works for you there,fuck what everybody else says.

Re: paranormal activity.. - tdot - 10-18-2009

[Image: lowes_people.jpg]

bajaj ^ my work

Re: paranormal activity.. - sTr - 10-20-2009

selling rich people grass?

Re: paranormal activity.. - Ms Felony - 10-20-2009

they look like stoners to me.

Re: paranormal activity.. - tdot - 10-20-2009

bajaj nah i work at lowes

Re: paranormal activity.. - Paullehh - 10-21-2009

Movie is now in the downlizzled section.
Looks awsome, going to peep it in a shortly.

Re: paranormal activity.. - sTr - 10-21-2009

-downloading now, about to watch

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: paranormal activity.. - Star - 10-21-2009


Re: paranormal activity.. - Paullehh - 10-21-2009

Watched it, was v slow paced but was freaky to watch alone in the dark.
Kind of frustrated at the chosen ending, but i heard that this is the OG ending and they changed it before it hit cinemas.