Board 6
We are missing something - Printable Version

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We are missing something - Grimlin - 10-13-2009

We need a porn section.....

Angry Writer

Re: We are missing something - sTr - 10-13-2009

Bajaj, ! Didn't expect that, but consider it done when ! Get home..

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: We are missing something - sTr - 10-14-2009


Re: We are missing something - Paullehh - 10-15-2009

bajaj are there any avid porn viewers here?
Other than the odd visit to efukt for shits n giggles, i don't watch porn.

Re: We are missing something - Grimlin - 10-15-2009

I don't know.......But B6 needs a porn section.I might be able to get some people here just mentioning we do have a free porn

Re: We are missing something - Paullehh - 10-15-2009

This is true... What kind of people would be attracted though hahaha

Re: We are missing something - sTr - 10-15-2009

can't be much worse then us...

or can it?!?!