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Wardrobe - Printable Version

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Wardrobe - Ms Felony - 10-12-2009

so i had this old wardrobe thats been bugging me for ages and today I thought it was about time I took it out and cleaned it off to make like a display cabinet for stuff.
Getting it out was tricky lifting it over the first step of my stairs but once over that it was a fairly simple operation out the door, upon cleaning it with water and a soft brush I noticed all these little worms coming out of it.

So I thought that's pretty fucked then, filled with woodworm, So i just got the axe and took it apart, shame really as I need another cabinet but I'm not having something that fucked in my room, they'd really gone to town on this thing, I'll try and get a pic of one of the pieces from it to show you how bad it is.

Re: Wardrobe - sTr - 10-12-2009

word, ! remember watching "How Clean is your House" on the BBC and there was always all sorts of weird bugs crawling in your guys shit... blame the moisture...

Re: Wardrobe - Ms Felony - 10-12-2009

this is just a small piece of the wardrobe which is now in about 12 pieces.
[Image: woodworm.png]

Re: Wardrobe - Paullehh - 10-12-2009

At least it wasn't your skin they was after.

Re: Wardrobe - Ms Felony - 10-12-2009

yeah, was just thinking about that dood

Re: Wardrobe - Paullehh - 10-12-2009

Woodworm are beatles and larva btw.
Might want to check your shit for beatles.

Re: Wardrobe - Ms Felony - 10-12-2009

I havnt seen any beatles lately, lots of spiders though

Re: Wardrobe - dirtymonkey22 - 10-14-2009

better check your panties and here i just thought you had crabs

Re: Wardrobe - Paullehh - 10-14-2009

I thought this thread was going to be showing off all his skirts n shit...

Re: Wardrobe - Ms Felony - 10-14-2009

really, I don't even have a wardrobe now?

Re: Wardrobe - sTr - 10-15-2009

then, that means you should putting those clothes to good use, ya dig...

Re: Wardrobe - Toxic Love - 10-17-2009

We have a bad problem every year with carpenter bees. We CANNOT get rid of the fuckers! The males are not aggressive, but the fat females will divebomb your head. I would go outside to use the grill and they'd zoom down on me.


my sister and I went into our attic crawlspace area and took down Halloween decorations yesterday. In one of our giant light-up pumpkins were about a dozen dead carpenter bees. What scares the shit out of me is the attic/crawlspace is right above my bedroom and I'm deathly allergic to bee stings. They don't really sting... if anything, they'd bite. But still... I vomited in my mouth.

Re: Wardrobe - sTr - 10-18-2009

when it gets real hot out here is when the wasps come out, besides that not too many crazy bugs unless you go out into the deserty areas...

Re: Wardrobe - Ms Felony - 10-18-2009

I love desserts

Re: Wardrobe - tdot - 10-18-2009

bajaj that reminds me of a dresser my buddy had.. it was sitting in his garage and i guess the moisture got to it and i went to sit on it one day while we were having beers setting up our snowboards for the next day and boom i fall threw the fucking thing.. funny as shit but hurt like a mother fucker..

i dont know where i was going with that......

Re: Wardrobe - sTr - 10-19-2009

broken shit = good times... possibly the direction you were going?

Re: Wardrobe - tdot - 10-20-2009

sounds good to me bajaj

Re: Wardrobe - sTr - 10-21-2009

it better. Thinking