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Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - Printable Version

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Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - N-Do - 10-07-2009

Quote:I couldn’t have been more than 10 years old when I went over to play with her son and Matchbox cars. She opened the door in skimpy lingerie. There was a man sitting on the couch, smoking. She told me that her son was in the bedroom. I was there playing with him about 20 minutes when I heard the man arguing with her. He said he was leaving and slammed the door. She came into the bedroom and told me that I had to go home. She told her son to take a bath and she locked him in the bathroom. I was at the front door trying to get out, when she came in and laid on the sofa and asked me if I wanted the key. I told her I had to go home as it was getting dark. She put the key inside of herself and told me to come get it, pulling me on top of her.

How traumatic... I guess he was abused by his pops too though, but then again who wasnt?

Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - sTr - 10-07-2009

so, that's why he's black..

Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - Slacker - 10-07-2009


Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - sTr - 10-07-2009

[Image: madea.jpg]

Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - Paullehh - 10-07-2009

Lucky bastid.
I didn't get any action till i was almost 15.

Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - N-Do - 10-07-2009

lol like 13 here, but still at least his partner knew what she was doing. she had XP points.

Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - juggalogigolo - 10-07-2009

and thats why the motherfucker is gay

Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - Insanecowposse - 10-07-2009

He wasn't molested he was really really lucky. I woulda found those keys with my tongue.

Re: Tyler Perry confesses to being molested as a child - sTr - 10-08-2009

only for larry...