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Need more Driver help - Printable Version

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Need more Driver help - Stoopid Dog - 10-03-2009

Apperantly the sound card driver isnt installed nor working, not much of my area. Somebody that is smart with that IM me at Ihavegirn on AIM or PM me

Re: Need more Driver help - sTr - 10-03-2009

* sent im *

Re: Need more Driver help - Ms Felony - 10-03-2009

throw it up against the fucking wall....

Re: Need more Driver help - Slacker - 10-06-2009

pee on it

Re: Need more Driver help - sTr - 10-07-2009

poo on it too for good measure...

Re: Need more Driver help - Insanecowposse - 10-07-2009

how does he have like 100k B6 bucks?

Re: Need more Driver help - Ms Felony - 10-07-2009

cause he pinches a buck off everyone every night.

Re: Need more Driver help - Keezie - 10-07-2009

i usually just go to the manufacturer website of my pc and find the drivers there

Re: Need more Driver help - sTr - 10-09-2009

word, that's where ! found all of his drivers... bajaj

Re: Need more Driver help - Paullehh - 10-09-2009

Better avoiding the PC manufacturer sites unless the OEM parts are exclusive to there system (liks some stupid motherboards made exclusively for the brands to fuck you over and force you to upgrade via them)

And opt for the individual component manufacturers websites as they will have the most up to date drivers available.

All in all buying a pre manufactured PC has nothing going for it other than you don't need any brain power in the purchase.
That's a whole other kettle of fish though...

Re: Need more Driver help - sTr - 10-10-2009

fluff had your run of the mill poor people dell, all og parts..

Re: Need more Driver help - Ms Felony - 10-10-2009

is he using that shitty dell he bought for like 5 bucks

Re: Need more Driver help - sTr - 10-11-2009

! think he that to his grandparents, but the one he had was about par