Board 6
STR, your chat system is pissing me off - Printable Version

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STR, your chat system is pissing me off - Stoopid Dog - 10-03-2009

I came across a few b6 related graphics.


Pauly sent me these last b6 before I went to OSB. I have more shit Ill keep uploading to that folder there.

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - Stoopid Dog - 10-03-2009

PS. I think I came across some old SQL database backups from the boards too.

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

* boners *

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

word, !'m gonna re-do the chat system now that ! upgraded some shit on the serv-dog, so it should run a bit more stable shortly...

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - Stoopid Dog - 10-03-2009

Cool beans. Would you like any of the databases I got?

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

Of cousre, but is there any way to integrate it into the existing board?

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Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - Stoopid Dog - 10-03-2009

You would have to do some serious SQL shit with it, but I do belive you could retain the posts from it atleast.

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

N/m, ! Got a decent sollution, there's a tool to transfer posts and members to another board, !'ll do the posts and not the members and make an archive section on the board or some shit...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - Stoopid Dog - 10-03-2009

Ok, Ill zip what I got up indivually cause they are named the same, then zip the lot of them up into one and upload later today or sometime next week.

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

the chat system is officially fixed guys, sorry about the weird shit it's been doing the last few days... !'m also working on getting it to setup chat rooms as well in the coming weeks...

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - juggalogigolo - 10-03-2009

the bar at the bottom is constantly saying initializing.....

dosent change... evar

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

It's something with your weird ass connection, whatevers causing that is the same thing that blocks out your images... but what browser are you using and version

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - Keezie - 10-03-2009

mine seems to be working i guess, but it never says anyone is online

do i have to add them as a friend? i thought you were gonna change that

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

For the time being you still have to add the peeps as friends, hopefully that will change soon.on the plus side you can add friends a bit easier now, there is a freinds icon under the avatar info in the posts now

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - juggalogigolo - 10-03-2009

im using the newest version of firefox

Re: STR, your chat system is pissing me off - sTr - 10-03-2009

What type of connection? Dsl or cable? Id dsl, what brand router?

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