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nasty ailment *cries* - Printable Version

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nasty ailment *cries* - Paullehh - 10-02-2009

This is fucking whack, i stayed at a mates house n his skin looked fucked and now i've come up all itchy bastard bits like bites.
Doctor sez the cunt gave me scabies!!
Lil mites on my skin....get them the fuck off me.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Insanecowposse - 10-02-2009

Thats totally fucked get a big ass can out raid or soem shit man bathe in bleach mixed with gasoline do something kill those fuckers man its war hooo ahhhhhhhhhh

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-02-2009

you should totally fuck that nigs house up...

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Ms Felony - 10-02-2009

Scabies is a contagious skin condition that causes intense itching. It is caused by tiny mites called sarcoptes scabiei, which burrow into the skin.

Your fucked....

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Paullehh - 10-02-2009

word i got some insectocide shit to rub all over my body, then the lil fuckers are toast.
Takes a couple weeks for all itching to stop aparently though and i'm scratching like fuck!
This is a nightmare.

Just to gross you all out..
This is what is nesting in my skin :(

[Image: 2it0ig1.jpg]

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-02-2009

you got any revenged planned?

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Grimlin - 10-02-2009

sTr Wrote:you got any revenged planned?

I'd go with Pinkeye.....

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Ms Felony - 10-02-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Just to gross you all out..
This is what is nesting in my skin :(

[Image: 2it0ig1.jpg]


Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-02-2009

Bajaj @ both...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - N-Do - 10-02-2009

Damn thats about a bitch and a half. Those things look vicious though.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Paullehh - 10-02-2009

word, they dig tunnels in your skin and nest in em.
Fuck knows how many are on me.. they are too small for the eye to see but there borrowing leaves lil waterblister bumps.

like this.
This is not my wrist, mine is like that but with about half the amount of bites.
Must suck even worse to be the dude in the pic lol
[Image: 3166jp3.jpg]

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Star - 10-02-2009

omg i'd way rather have pink eye than scabies, scabies is right up there with like aids for thigns i don't want

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Ms Felony - 10-02-2009

give em to fluffy

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - N-Do - 10-02-2009

Yeah thats brutal... youre gunna need something good and creative if you want revenge the right way.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Autumn - 10-02-2009

I hate to say this, but I had those bitches once too. I feel you on the itching, Paullehh. It sucks ass. And you can just catch it from being close to someone. Ew. :(


Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Ms Felony - 10-02-2009

you can't catch it just from being close.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Star - 10-02-2009

yeah, you can. my grandmother used to be a lunch lady at an inner city school, and they had to watch the kids really closely, because sometimes one would get scabies and it would turn into an outbreak

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-02-2009

swine flu is totally way worse, ! saw it on tv... and the internets!!1!

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Grimlin - 10-02-2009

Star Wrote:yeah, you can. my grandmother used to be a lunch lady at an inner city school, and they had to watch the kids really closely, because sometimes one would get scabies and it would turn into an outbreak

LOL.....Pretty sure you have to have physical contact with the person or things that are infected with scabies.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Star - 10-02-2009

kids have physical contact all the time at that age ; it was an elementary school, playing together at recess and whatnot.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Ms Felony - 10-02-2009

Grimlin Wrote:LOL.....Pretty sure you have to have physical contact with the person or things that are infected with scabies.


they are tiny mites, they cant jump or fly.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-02-2009

oo la la, did you guys have sexy time?

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Autumn - 10-02-2009

I think being close means touching, or am I wrong?

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-02-2009

what better way to touch then sexy time?

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Grimlin - 10-02-2009

Autumn Wrote:I think being close means touching, or am I wrong?

Close doesn't mean touching.It means near or a small amount of space between.

But i get what you girls are saying....with kids being so close they are bound/higher chance to physical contact.

I feel bad for Paullehh,does this mean no masturbation for him? bajaj

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Paullehh - 10-03-2009

Had to cover myself in shit that was like a cross between deep heat and fly spray..
Seems to have stoped em in there tracks though not much itching and no new marks this morning.

Anybody want a hug?

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 10-03-2009

I'm sorry Paullehh. I consider you a good dog. The cream of the B6 crop. I'm sorry that the little beasts feast upon your flesh...
I want a hug.

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Paullehh - 10-03-2009

Hmm now i probably have lots of little dead beasts in my skin :(

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Ms Felony - 10-03-2009

you also have to do it again next week just incase

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Autumn - 10-03-2009

Felony, how do you know so much about this? lol I don't know how I got them personally, but that was a long time ago. Glad they're getting better! lol

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Ms Felony - 10-03-2009


Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-04-2009

you best friend on the internet

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Slacker - 10-04-2009

Paullehh Wrote:[Image: 2it0ig1.jpg]

pee on them!

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - sTr - 10-05-2009

honestly, that's probably what ! would do, !'d def try it before ! actually went to the doctors...

Re: nasty ailment *cries* - Paullehh - 10-05-2009

bajaj the poison shit worked a treat.
Shit's clearing up super fast.