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Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - Printable Version

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Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - Insanecowposse - 10-01-2009

I did a bing search for 30 year old cat and on the first page was this!
[Image: yucka.jpg]
What the fuck is that even?

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - sTr - 10-01-2009

inside of balls or inside of anus, almost guarantee...

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - Insanecowposse - 10-01-2009

I didn't know you were an expert on these things. It looks like wahtever it is theres a small anus sized hole in it.

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - sTr - 10-02-2009

!'m just a genius, everybody (should) know(s) that....

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - Star - 10-02-2009

i need to see the picture bigger and i may be able to tell

btw, why were you searching for a thirty year old cat?

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - Paullehh - 10-02-2009

Looks like lungs and that would be capillary

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - Insanecowposse - 10-02-2009

I was doing a video about a weird news story I heard where this lady has a thirty year old cat and its still pretty healthy and playful so I wanted to find the picture of her and her cat but that came up...

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - sTr - 10-02-2009

it's the cats colonoscapy...

Re: Weirdest thing pulled up by a search engine - Insanecowposse - 10-03-2009

it very well could be. It has to do something with a cat or a catscan or a cats catscan. or a 30 year old catscan. or a 30 yearl old catscan of a cat.