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Burger King vs. McDonald's - Printable Version

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Burger King vs. McDonald's - sTr - 09-28-2009

Battle of the fast food giants. One will make it your way, the other will make you love it. We all know everyone is a sucker for mascots and these two companies won't let you down in that department. Whether it's the mascot, the food or the toys each establishment has their highs and lows. Which one is it for you.

[Image: 120px-Burger_king_logo_2.png]
Burger King


[Image: mcdonalds_logo.gif]

for me, it's gotta be BK, they are def the king of burgers, they have variety and they always have new products coming in and out of that place. Any place that has a veggie burger that can be made in a shit load of different ways is good for me.

Re: Burger King Vs. McDonald's - Grimlin - 09-28-2009

Gotta agree with you on this one...Burger king for me as well.Too many great choices and great tasting food.

I love Big Macs and Mcdonald's fries every once in awhile....but i get sick of them too fast.

Burger King can switch up and still taste good without getting sick of them.

Re: Burger King Vs. McDonald's - N-Do - 09-29-2009

Grimlin Wrote:I love Big Macs and Mcdonald's fries every once in awhile....but i get sick of them too fast.

Burger King can switch up and still taste good without getting sick of them.
Couldent have said it better myself. I used to love McD's but I'm all about the BK now.... and I dont know if they got em around yall, but we got $1 double cheeseburgers here and they clown the faggy ass McDouble.

Re: Burger King vs. McDonald's - fghtffyrdmns - 02-02-2010

Burger King, because I love those damn dollar double cheeseburgers. Mmm. So much better than McDonald's.

Re: Burger King vs. McDonald's - The Warlock - 07-14-2012

Wendys & sonic over both! haha

if i had to pick id say mc ds cuz they got mcmuffins & i hate the sometimes burnt taste of bks grill made burgers

Re: Burger King vs. McDonald's - BiggGameJames - 07-26-2012

Micky D'S

Re: Burger King vs. McDonald's - gimpster138 - 07-29-2012

In N Out > all

That being said, I choose Burger King over Mac D's. Whopper with extra mayo!