Board 6
Fucking board breaks. - Printable Version

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Fucking board breaks. - Paullehh - 09-28-2009

Every morning the board turns to shit and will not load some time between 7am and 8am.


Re: Fucking board breaks. - sTr - 09-28-2009

! wonder the same thing to myself... ! think it's something to do when the shitty server refreshes their shitty sql server... when we have new server we should have no problem.

Re: Fucking board breaks. - Paullehh - 09-28-2009

Word @ new server

Re: Fucking board breaks. - sTr - 09-28-2009

! will most likely have to wait until ! find a new job to get a new server... but donations are always accepted...

Re: Fucking board breaks. - Stoopid Dog - 09-29-2009

After I get bills caught up in October, I might be able to manage paying for a new server for a short time.

Re: Fucking board breaks. - Slacker - 09-29-2009

or just leave it and keep your money?

1 hour downtime isnt that big a fuxing deal

Re: Fucking board breaks. - Stoopid Dog - 09-29-2009

Point taken.

Re: Fucking board breaks. - Grimlin - 09-29-2009

I'm still sleeping around this i could care less....

Re: Fucking board breaks. - sTr - 09-30-2009

! am working on some work around that should eliminate most of the slow time, at least until we get a new server if that ends up being the case. when ! do it !'ll let you know and you can tell me if it still lags on your end....

Re: Fucking board breaks. - Grimlin - 09-30-2009

There's a board i go to that's down every day from 12:20am-12:50am that i go to.Something to do with updating the site since they have to manage over 20,000 registered users.

Is it possible to do it at an hour nobody is on?

Re: Fucking board breaks. - sTr - 09-30-2009

not with the fags ! go through, what happens is that each sql server account has x amount of bandwidth, so !'m gonna fudge it to cycle to my next sql account name when the bandwidth runs low on the first, if ! do that with 3 different sql accounts it should lower the load and congestion...

Re: Fucking board breaks. - Grimlin - 09-30-2009


because usually from 12am-1am nobody is on here. I've been starting to go to bed early because of that reason.