Board 6
Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - Printable Version

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Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - Insanecowposse - 09-26-2009

Not sure what i was thinking on this one other than 1. i could do it and 2. that i actually made the shot which i celebrated making the shot after missing it.

Re: Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - Paullehh - 09-26-2009

Bajaj @ what a shit idea putting a hoop at the edge of the car park was.

Re: Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - sTr - 09-26-2009

That's michigan for ya... looks like fun though, shoulda let the kids try...

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Re: Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - Grimlin - 09-26-2009

I'm not sure i want to be teaching my kids it's ok to stand and slam dunk off cars.

Was that even your car?

Re: Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - Insanecowposse - 09-26-2009

The kids ran off to the park and Monkey who had the camera at the time ran after them so they weren't really paying attention. Thats why at the end it gets cut off before i took my shot fromthe ground.

Re: Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - dirtymonkey22 - 09-27-2009

he was fucking with me so hard thinking he made the shot

Re: Slam dunk off a car with a dirty shoe? - Grimlin - 09-27-2009
