Board 6
countdown to 25k - Printable Version

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countdown to 25k - sTr - 09-26-2009

We made it to 25,000 for the board, and we're close in general, so lets do it folks.

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Re: countdown to 25k - Insanecowposse - 09-26-2009

Oh man that means i'm gonna put out stupid videos just to make count and i am gonna get bitched out about the quality of the content. Fuck it 25k lets do this!

Re: countdown to 25k - sTr - 09-26-2009

Bonerific, vids it up...

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Re: countdown to 25k - Paullehh - 09-26-2009

205 to go now

Re: countdown to 25k - Insanecowposse - 09-26-2009

sweetness lets keep it up.

Re: countdown to 25k - sTr - 09-26-2009

up as a mother fucker...

Re: countdown to 25k - Ms Felony - 09-27-2009

does'nt post.


Re: countdown to 25k - Paullehh - 09-27-2009

Ohh it's getting closer!

Re: countdown to 25k - Star - 09-27-2009

-makes the 25k'th post, no arguments

Re: countdown to 25k - Grimlin - 09-27-2009


Re: countdown to 25k - sTr - 09-27-2009

117 left to go, we can accomplish that today...

Re: countdown to 25k - Star - 09-27-2009

i'm supposed to be studying

that said, i'll post as long as there are people responding

Re: countdown to 25k - sTr - 09-27-2009

* responds * but you should study if that's what needs to get done. Any one class in particular?

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Re: countdown to 25k - Star - 09-27-2009

yeah, it's my chemistry class. i'm going downstairs now. i'm going to put some turkey chili on to cook and then sit down there to read, so i'll be back later

Re: countdown to 25k - sTr - 09-27-2009

79, hoody hoo..

Re: countdown to 25k - Star - 09-27-2009

i want to know how you managed to get to like 8 billion in bejeweled, i can't get past like 3k

Re: countdown to 25k - sTr - 09-27-2009

it was 50k or some shit, and it's because ! played it non-stop for a month to beat the high score, usually ! get around 20k and ! just had a good game. Tetris on the other hand, ! could get that score any day of the week, and probably beat if ! tried... it's all about the combos