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This shit makes me laugh every time. - Printable Version

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This shit makes me laugh every time. - Toxic Love - 09-24-2009

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - sTr - 09-24-2009

bajaj, ! haven't seen this in a while... my cat is too cool to get yelled at, he yells(meows) back, he's a G...

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-25-2009

I yell at mine.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Deadbody Man - 09-25-2009

T-Love is a cat hater.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - juggalogigolo - 09-25-2009

i yell at stars cats all the time, especially when they get on the counter or climb on shit i dont want them on

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - sTr - 09-25-2009

!'m glad my cat doesn't do the counter shit, once they start it's almost impossible to get them to stop...

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - juggalogigolo - 09-25-2009

word, its so fucking annoying and really pisses me off, star dosent even give a fuck that the cat is on the counter next to where shes making a fucking sandwich....... shits fucking gross, might as well lay your bread on the floor next to the fucking litterbox to make your food if your gonna let the cats climb all over everything

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Paullehh - 09-25-2009

Get her slapped into check.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Star - 09-25-2009

bajaj, then he can find a new place to live.

i don't care that they're on the counter because we cook in the kitchen maybe once every two weeks, and i don't cook until i've cleaned the kitchen.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - juggalogigolo - 09-25-2009

shits fuckin nasty

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - N-Do - 09-25-2009

sTr Wrote:bajaj, ! haven't seen this in a while... my cat is too cool to get yelled at, he yells(meows) back, he's a G...

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that has a cool cat like that.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-25-2009

My cats are assholes......I squirt them bastards with water every time they get into something.I usually have to refill that water bottle quite a bit.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Autumn - 09-25-2009

Aww.. poor kitties! lol I did see that before though.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Toxic Love - 09-26-2009

My cat is fucking awesome. He's a pimp. I only have one because.. well... he's my handsome man. :)

He NEVER climbed on counters, ever. I'm so glad about that. When he was a kitten, he tried jumping on my kitchen table so I squirted him with a water gun. Never again did he try that shit!

Cats on counters was always a pet peeve of mine. My ex's mom's cat was ALWAYS on the counters and I was so fucking disgusted. They play around in a litterbox and you let those feet touch the counter you prepare your food on? Gross.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Toxic Love - 09-26-2009

Deadbody Man Wrote:T-Love is a cat hater.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - sTr - 09-26-2009

cats > dogs

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-26-2009

My cats are gone next week. They are going to the Michigan Humane society.


Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - sTr - 09-26-2009

Thumbs Down

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-26-2009

I know,but these cats suck....If these cats would chill out and not piss me off every 5 minutes I wouldn't mind them.These cats cannot be disciplined...I've tried every trick in the book.

Some reason this year my house got infested with fleas.BAD! To the point it took me and midge the whole day laying down flea powder and spraying the entire house with flea spray.It was a mistake taking these bastards in...we can't afford them anymore.It got so bad the cats are covered in sores on their heads from fleas.We still can't get rid of the fleas,even after doing all of that.The cats and dog both got washed and flea shampooed every week so sign of the fleas letting up even after all that work.

I feel bad for them,but i don't know what else to do....we simply can't afford them.

We got them from some dude who can't understand why he needs to get his cat fixed.We were simply taking some of the kittens off his hands.Big Mistake on our part.I always got my cats fixed.....always!

I miss my black cat Godzilla.....that cat was a fucking pimp.He was my Boy.I got him when i first moved up here and he was really a chill cat.Even midge admits she never had this many problems with all the cats she had in the past. These cats are straight from hell....LOL.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Autumn - 09-27-2009

Boo. Get rid of the kid and keep the cats. That's what I would do.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Star - 09-27-2009

it irritates me when people get animals and then give them away because they're too much work to take care of. i'm not hating on you, because i'm sure you definitely have your reasons, but i can't imagine giving mine away, even when they do terrible things. i guess if people didn't give their animals up, though, i wouldn't have some of mine, because they're from the humane society. it just sucks you can't put an ad in the paper or a sign for free cats, because chances are, if they're older cats, once they go to the humane society they're going to get put to sleep.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-27-2009

I was mean growing up to animals.I don't get attached to them like you guys do.

If my animal got sick or something I'll just pull out a gun and shoot it in the head and bury it.I'm old school like that.

However,dogs are different. There's a reason why dogs are called "man's best friend" because it partially true when we become attach to our dogs.

and Thumbs Down @ autumn....My kid is extreme awesomeness.He's a little clown,you would love him if you knew him.We planning on having one more

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Toxic Love - 09-27-2009

I know times are tough... but the OTC DOES NOT WORRRRRRRRRRRRRK. And most likely, the sores on their heads are a reaction from the shitty products you buy. The general public is fooled into believing this stuff is safe and works... it doesn't. I have seen more OTC flea product reactions than any other toxicity or allergic reaction in cats and dogs. Adam's, HARTZ, Zodiac, Biospot, etc... all are fucking garbage.

The BEST you can do is at least a bath a day with a bar of Dove soap. It suffocates the fleas. Isolate the cats in a laundry room or bath room. Vacuum the shit out of your house... possibly shampoo the rugs. Before you vacuum, sprinkle Borax 45 mule powder all over the carpets and upholstry. Let it sit for 24 hours. There is an ingredient in that which pretty much dissolves the exoskeleton of fleas... then vacuum it up.

If you had money, I'd say buy Capstar online, along with Advantage or Frontline... but that can get expensive. Capstar is a pill you give them which kills 99% of fleas on cats within 6 hours. On dogs... 4 hours.

Another tip is to not let them outside. ;)

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-27-2009

Toxic Love Wrote:I know times are tough... but the OTC DOES NOT WORRRRRRRRRRRRRK. And most likely, the sores on their heads are a reaction from the shitty products you buy. The general public is fooled into believing this stuff is safe and works... it doesn't. I have seen more OTC flea product reactions than any other toxicity or allergic reaction in cats and dogs. Adam's, HARTZ, Zodiac, Biospot, etc... all are fucking garbage.

Yeah,doesn't do shit.....We don't use that stuff anymore either.

Quote:The BEST you can do is at least a bath a day with a bar of Dove soap. It suffocates the fleas. Isolate the cats in a laundry room or bath room. Vacuum the shit out of your house... possibly shampoo the rugs. Before you vacuum, sprinkle Borax 45 mule powder all over the carpets and upholstry. Let it sit for 24 hours. There is an ingredient in that which pretty much dissolves the exoskeleton of fleas... then vacuum it up.

We did all of that except the borax stuff(we used something else).....Can the animals still be around when i leave it on for 24 hours?How safe is it for humans as well?The dove soap dried out the cats skin badly....they now have sores on their heads because of it.

Quote:If you had money, I'd say buy Capstar online, along with Advantage or Frontline... but that can get expensive. Capstar is a pill you give them which kills 99% of fleas on cats within 6 hours. On dogs... 4 hours.

Another tip is to not let them outside. ;)

Did that frontline and advantage....Both fucking suck....shit doesn't work either.I'm not shelling out money on something that doesn't work.I may look into Capstar for the dog. I'm done with the cats...I'm not doing shit for them anymore.They'll be gone anyways.Even midge is getting piss at them now....if nobody believes us how bad these cats are they are more than welcome to come get them.....I'd bet they would give Fred a fucking heart attack...these cats are really,really bad.They are really cute looking cats....I'm beginning to wonder maybe we should have just gotten one of them instead of two.

I plan to put some stuff down on the grass....I don't want the dog pissing and shitting all over the house.It's a 80 pound dog. So he has to go outside....we have no choice.

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Star - 09-27-2009

[Image: lost-cat%5B1%5D.jpg]

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-27-2009


Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Autumn - 09-28-2009

ahahaha I'm, obviously, more so an animal fan then a kid fan. If my boyfriend was mean to any of my pets, he's history. Sorry. I agree with Star, I HATE HATE HATE when people get rid of pets.

And, try Dawn dish liquid when you bathe them. It works for me. :) The fleas are HORRIBLE here, too. Has it been raining a lot in MI? It has been here.. the entire summer was nothing but rain, and all my animals have fleas. I've been vacuuming a lot and trying to give Tanner a bath once a week. It's cut down on them alot, but those little fuckers are resilient! :\

Re: This shit makes me laugh every time. - Grimlin - 09-28-2009

It's been raining a little,but nothing extremely bad.If anything we almost need the rain.It's been getting really cold.It's like barely 60 for a high.It's the cold weather that's probably driving them in here.

My Dad told me to try Avon skin so soft and try rubbing it into the animals after a bath.We used to do that to our little dog we had when i was a kid.I don't even remember that dog having fleas or anything on her.She spent a lot of time outdoors as well.