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Fixes n' shizzzzz - Printable Version

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Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 09-24-2009

! went through and have tried to fix a lot of the little minor weirdo things here... minus the members of course. ! fixed the user name changes, so now you can actually change your user name from the user control panel. ! fixed the bottom chat bar, ! suggest everybody at least add me in your friends list, because ! own. The icons are fixed in the War Zone.

Next on the list of add-ons is probably nothing that will interest you much, but will be cool for new users. !'m going to be integrating OpenID and Facebook Connect to the user list, meaning if you don't have a B6 account, but you log into either one of those accounts, first thing it does is create user and pass then gives them a blank profile. That will also leave all currently existing users to sync their B6 account to their Facebook account.

After that will be the points mod. at first ! wasn't sure what to use it for, but ! have a few good ideas. Once it's set up, you'll get a certain amount of points for actions at b6, like a point for replying, 2 for a new thread, etc. As far as using the points, you'll be able to gamble them in the arcade, as well as use them as a betting system.

Lastly, ! wanna spruce the place up a bit, will be working on some themes for the downloads section, sports section and arcade. if you have any suggestions, remember !'m all ears, queers....

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Ms Felony - 09-24-2009

snap at apart from the members...i was gonna say you miossed one major weirdo....

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Grimlin - 09-24-2009


Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 09-24-2009

-added a few new smilies, will probably be adding more as the day goes on...

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Paullehh - 09-24-2009

I want mad points!

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Ms Felony - 09-24-2009

just for saying that you should start with -400 n00bie

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Paullehh - 09-24-2009

Can we name the points "goatses"?

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 09-24-2009

sounds good to me...

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Paullehh - 09-24-2009

i shall trade you 1000 goatses for nekit pics of pat.

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 09-25-2009

!'m almost done with teh points system, ! found a better one that !'m switching over too, in fact !'m testing it now...

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Slacker - 09-25-2009

fuck points

all b6 needs is a post button and maybe a goatse smiley


Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Stoopid Dog - 09-26-2009

Decent. Was it my solution? Cause Im here now for the day. GET ON AIM, or the b6 chat system

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - juggalogigolo - 09-26-2009

still getting the image thing even tho ive got new firefox

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Stoopid Dog - 09-26-2009


Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Slacker - 09-26-2009


Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 09-29-2009

so !'m gonna be adding a bunch of cool new shit, not all will be anything spectacular, mainly to make the site look up to date, snazzy and ahead of the competition... you may have noticed the new snazzy login bar up top, again, nothing needed, just snazzy. like us. so if there is any off the wall shit, let me know, ! may already be adding it, ! have a list of about 20 things !'m gonna be doing, so let a black know.

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Romel - 09-29-2009

Romel says Romel's page looked like shit, then Romel refreshed Romel's page and it looked good, says Romel.

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Slacker - 09-29-2009

yeah it looked broke

then i refreshed and saw the snazzyness


Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 09-30-2009

added some new "New Topic" and "Reply" buttons...

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 10-02-2009

-added a few more things... you can now link your facebook account to BoardSix and view BoardSix from your face book account. Log Out, click the Facebook Connect logo by the login and enter your facebook and B6 info and done. As well as if you're not a member of the great B6, but have a lame Facebook account you can use that and it will grab your info from Facebook and create a sexy B6 account for you.

! also made it so if you are browsing a topic and someone replies while you are browsing it automatically loads their post, !'m working on the same idea for the general page so if some one replies or creates a new thread it will reload, exactly like gmail. No auto-refresh lame script here buddy.

Working on a snazzy map for the "Who's Online" section that plots the points on a world map based on the IP's.

Also, a new videos page is in the works, hard to explain, but sexy when seen.

Soon you will be able to make twitter updates from B6, it will sync your Twitter Account to your B6 account like the Facebook Connect and you will have a twitter page to post from.

a few more tricks up my sleeve, but will reveal when they are closer to completion...

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Keezie - 10-02-2009

i'm diggin the shit man. kudos to you. having made a few boards myself in the last few years, i know this shit ain't really easy. and this is by far the snazziest board i've ever been a part of

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 10-02-2009

thanks man, that made me feel good.. ! also forgot to mention you can add a user as a friend below their avatar when you are viewing the threads now.

also, you don't need to log out anymore to sync your facebook account, use the sexy menu up top(the scroll down one) and there is a Facebook connect button there, enter your facebook account, then syncenstein....

[Image: fbconnect.jpg]

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - Insanecowposse - 10-02-2009

For a while I was getting all those above screenies on top of where i post. Any way we can fix the problem with being able to see images half the time?

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 10-02-2009

!'m not sure where that comes from, ! think it's a bandwidth issue with the image itself. ! myself still have yet to run into that problem. but what you you mean above screenies on top of where you post. screen shot it next time for me.

Re: Fixes n' shizzzzz - sTr - 10-03-2009

Twitter integration is now in full effect, you can either click the Twitter link under the header or integrate your info in the "User Control Panel". Why? Why not? This allows you to make Twitter updates from B6, and B6 is so damn sexy.... and !'m a bit drunk, so fuck yeah you should use it at least once....