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This is very weird. - Printable Version

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This is very weird. - Toxic Love - 09-22-2009

So I had no idea about all of this until recently...

There was a teacher who was in the paper last year for sleeping with a high school senior. She was about 35 and was a Drama teacher. He was 17 and a half and I think by the time he graduated, he was 18. He told a friend about what happened, it got out. She was arrested, put on 5 years probation, and lost her teaching license in NJ. The guy wrote letters to the court saying how he was the aggressor and that he pushed her into things. When the actual sex and contact took place, she was suffering from cancer, the recent death of her mother, and depression issues. She was on several types of medication between pain killers, chemotherapy, and anti-depressants. Taking that into consideration is why she was only put on probation and not sentenced to prison. Also because the guy's parents never pressed charges and he was pretty much defending her in court.

So I just found out that this lady now works where I use to work... and I had no idea WHO she was. I still go into my old job sometimes to say hello... but I NEVER KNEW!!! When she was hired, she had a different name. I don't know if she legally changed her name or if my ex-boss changed her name for scheduling sake. But she does NOT seem like the type of person to have done this. It totally struck me off-guard. I didn't find this all out until this past weekend when I was speaking with an ex-co-worker. The lady-in-question was out of work for a whole week in August for her sentencing... and that's how my ex-co-worker found out.

She went from a $54k a year job to making $12 an hour. I feel bad because I got to know her before I knew all of this. I didn't know her past. I'm sure if I did I may have acted differently around her.

What do you guys think about the scenario and the sentencing?

Re: This is very weird. - Paullehh - 09-22-2009

Was she hot?
That is the make or break detail in any judgment on this scenario.

Re: This is very weird. - Star - 09-22-2009

Meh...I think she probably should've exercised better judgement, even with the extenuating factors. Being on painkillers and being depressed might change your inhibitions a bit, but somewhere you still know it's not quite right what you're doing. Given the kids age, though, I don't think she should've really gotten arrested or sentenced. It may not have been wise, but it wasn't rape. I think anybody over the legal age in their state (16 here) should be taught to make good decisions about sex, but the person they do it with shouldn't be prosecuted to "protect" the kids unless it is very obviously a rape scenario, instead of that only being true for 16-18 year olds.

Re: This is very weird. - Grimlin - 09-22-2009

That's a loopy story....quite sad.

Quote:She went from a $54k a year job to making $12 an hour. I feel bad because I got to know her before I knew all of this. I didn't know her past. I'm sure if I did I may have acted differently around her.

What do you mean act differently around her? Were you a bitch to her or something?

Re: This is very weird. - Toxic Love - 09-22-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Was she hot?
That is the make or break detail in any judgment on this scenario.
Well, she's 36 or so now. She doesn't wear makeup at work since there is no point to, you don't need to impress anyone. But I think she's a pretty woman. She's fit and keeps herself looking good.

Star Wrote:Meh...I think she probably should've exercised better judgement, even with the extenuating factors. Being on painkillers and being depressed might change your inhibitions a bit, but somewhere you still know it's not quite right what you're doing. Given the kids age, though, I don't think she should've really gotten arrested or sentenced. It may not have been wise, but it wasn't rape. I think anybody over the legal age in their state (16 here) should be taught to make good decisions about sex, but the person they do it with shouldn't be prosecuted to "protect" the kids unless it is very obviously a rape scenario, instead of that only being true for 16-18 year olds.
She was charged with endangering the welfare of a child, which is what the charges were dropped to from statutory rape. It was proved there was no rape and the kid was the aggressor. But because of that, she lost her teaching license in NJ.

Grimlin Wrote:That's a loopy story....quite sad.

Quote:She went from a $54k a year job to making $12 an hour. I feel bad because I got to know her before I knew all of this. I didn't know her past. I'm sure if I did I may have acted differently around her.

What do you mean act differently around her? Were you a bitch to her or something?
No no no. I was and still am very friendly with her! I'm saying maybe if I knew about this when she was hired and when I worked with her, I might not have spoken to her very much, if at all. I think it was a good idea her name was changed so that nobody would be sour towards her. She has every right to be a normal human being... I just don't think if I knew of this situation beforehand, that I would have been so friendly. I would have looked at her for what she did, not who she is. I think that's a common problem people have nowadays.

Re: This is very weird. - Grimlin - 09-22-2009

ahhh,got ya.

Re: This is very weird. - juggalogigolo - 09-22-2009

i wish this shit happened when i was in school..... these kids nowadays are fucking pimps

Re: This is very weird. - Paullehh - 09-22-2009

Should be fine, i'm sure i sleped with a 30 year old chick when i was 17 at least once.

The only thing that's a bit wrong is that it was one of her pupils... that is a bit weird.

Hell i'm 30 and there are tons of 17 year old chicks i'd gladly bone.

Re: This is very weird. - juggalogigolo - 09-22-2009

<---- I love only men

Re: This is very weird. - Star - 09-22-2009

i was barely 18 when i met fred, by like, a month , and he was 23, and before that, the last guy i "seriously dated" (whatever that is in high school) was 20 something...sure, i wish maybe i would've been wiser about that, as far as not thinking i was in love when i was that young, but i can't imagine getting the guy in trouble for it. *shrug* i guess i just don't care as much about age as some people... as long as the "kid" is at least 16 or 17, they're old enough to understand what they're getting into.

Re: This is very weird. - Enigma - 09-22-2009

16 is the age of consent, but only with people that are 4 years older than the person. so say a 16y/o girl is dating a 21y/o, her parents can press statutory rape charges on him and he'll have to register as a sex offender. same with a 17y/o boy and a 30y/o woman. the cut off age for 17 is 21, anyone older is committing a crime. she was a teacher. parents trusted her to educate their children, not screw their children. i think that if i was in your shoes i'd have nothing to do with her anymore...but that's just cuz i work for the public school system as a security guard....preventing this shit is pretty much what i'm paid for.

Re: This is very weird. - CranialEntropy - 09-22-2009

Liar! You're paid to keep the kids safe, not virgins.

Re: This is very weird. - Grimlin - 09-22-2009

Schools need to pay attention to their teachers and know what's going on.Sure it is messed up,but she was heavily medicated.I feel in this case it's more the school's fault than it is her's.School should have gave her a mandatory leave of absence until she got back on her feet health wise.

That's just my opinion.

Re: This is very weird. - juggalogigolo - 09-23-2009

lucky fuckin kid

Re: This is very weird. - Toxic Love - 09-23-2009

Enigma Wrote:16 is the age of consent, but only with people that are 4 years older than the person. so say a 16y/o girl is dating a 21y/o, her parents can press statutory rape charges on him and he'll have to register as a sex offender. same with a 17y/o boy and a 30y/o woman. the cut off age for 17 is 21, anyone older is committing a crime. she was a teacher. parents trusted her to educate their children, not screw their children. i think that if i was in your shoes i'd have nothing to do with her anymore...but that's just cuz i work for the public school system as a security guard....preventing this shit is pretty much what i'm paid for.
I can understand your point of view, but I don't work in a field where children are present. The place I used to work and where I work now do not employ anyone under 18. Why should I have nothing to do with her? It's the workplace, who cares? She isn't anywhere NEAR a teaching field or even children. Why should I hold something against her that has nothing to do with me, and will never have anything to do with me? I don't even like kids.

Re: This is very weird. - sTr - 09-24-2009

When ! Was in highschool two teacher/student incidents happened. The one that resulted in a firing happened when my old science teacher just broke up with one of hos girl students moms he aim'd her saying he was buy her mom some new panties to make up her. It was epic, he was the asshole football coach teacher, sucker.

The second was this girl that was all over one of the math teachers. Everyone knew they were getting it on, but they were smart and always denied it. Needless to say they got marries a year after we graduated and he's her little bitch, also epic.

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Re: This is very weird. - Enigma - 09-24-2009

sTr Wrote:The one that resulted in a firing happened when my old science teacher just broke up with one of hos girl students moms he aim'd her saying he was buy her mom some new panties to make up her. It was epic, he was the asshole football coach teacher, sucker.
i almost had to put that in a translator of some sort to make sense of it...were you drunk or something??

and Star, i didn't mean to make it sound like you should be an asshole to her. i just know i would be because i just totally disapprove of any kind of teacher/student relationship outside of a professional one. hell, i've got kids that come up to talk to me and give me a hug and it makes me really uncomfortable because i don't see it as being professional. even if she was highly medicated, she should have kept things between her and the student at a professional level. if you want to date after graduation, that's fine, he's an adult, but it was wrong. however, the other standpoint to that is that she's been penalized by the justice system and the judge and jury gave her a sentence they see fitting. so if you're able to look past her past indiscretions and remain friendly with her that's awesome. but, personally, i don't think i'd be able to do that.

and, Eggnog, no, my job isn't to keep them job is to keep them from having sex while on APS property. if they wanna go have sex after school or after school dances or games, well, unfortunately that's up to them, but they can't do it on the property....however, i wonder what i would do if i actually discovered a couple kids in the act