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Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - Printable Version

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Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - Paullehh - 09-19-2009

Boy, 12, turns up for school as a girl after sex swap during the summer holidays

[Image: 243jkok.jpg]
Confusion: How The Sun reported that a 12-year-old boy had a sex swap over the summer and returned to school as a girl (picture of girl is posed by model)

A boy of 12 has started living as a girl and is preparing to become the world's youngest person to have a sex swap operation.

The youngster left classmates bewildered after he started his new school wearing a dress and with his hair in pigtails.

His parents, who are fully supporting his decision, have had his name changed by deed poll to that of a girl.

But the change has caused controversy at his secondary school where an emergency assembly was called after the boy was targeted by bullies.

Teachers told pupils to treat him as a female and to only refer to him by his new name.

But some parents say the handling of the issue has left their children upset and confused. One mother said the school should have informed parents by letter before the term started.

'They behaved appallingly by throwing this hand grenade into the room and then leaving the inevitable questions about it for unprepared parents,' she said.

'Maybe we could have encouraged our kids to be more sensitive if we'd had a chance to be involved.'

Another mother, whose daughter knew the boy from primary school, said: 'Parents surely have a right to know when their children are being confronted with such sensitive issues as gender realignment.

'It is not fair either for the child who is undergoing this change.

Switch: Kim Petras is currently the world's youngest transsexual after having gender reassignment surgery earlier this year at the age of 16

'The girl, as she now is, will go through hell because of how this has been handled.'

The boy, who has not been named and lives with his parents in a three-bedroom semi in an upmarket village in West Sussex, started at the 1,000-pupil comprehensive this month.

The headteacher had discussions with his parents before allowing him to start school as a girl. He has been given his own changing rooms and toilet.

Sources said the youngster had confided in friends that he wanted to be a girl and would put on a bikini to go swimming and use a Barbie towel. He rode to primary school on a pink scooter and wore pink ribbons in his hair.

His mother said: 'We are committed to ensuring the very best for our child. We are working with other agencies to ensure our child's welfare is protected.'

The boy has been absent from school in recent days because of the continued bullying and his family are under police protection after receiving threats with patrols regularly checking their home.

It is understood that the boy is preparing for an operation to change his gender. The first step is to take hormone treatment. But the procedure is illegal here until after puberty.

German Kim Petras - born Tim - became the world's youngest transsexual at 16 earlier this year.

Transgender counsellor David Hawley said the pupil had shown great 'strength of character'.

He added: 'It is very unusual for a child of that age to be so clear about what they want to do. She has had a lot of support from her parents.'


[Image: ambqmw.jpg]

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - sTr - 09-19-2009

that's just classic

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - Paullehh - 09-20-2009

Male to female surgery results in you being left with a fanny like this...
[Image: male-to-female2.gif]

This is not a good fanny!

It's worse for female to male patients who are left with a "juvenile" sized phallus"

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - Enigma - 09-20-2009

i totally wanted to say something about this...but after the pics of the mtf surgery, i'm speechless...

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - sTr - 09-20-2009

yeah, who wouldn't love getting in some of that ball sack pussy...

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - N-Do - 09-20-2009

bajajajaja at everything in here.

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - dirtymonkey22 - 09-20-2009

wtf do people expect the parents should know the kids going to get picked on and what is the world coming to with this B.S

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - CrAzYT - 09-20-2009

There are a couple of kids at the high school I teach at that are getting sex changes ... I think they are freshmen, too. Rather disturbing.

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - sTr - 09-20-2009

!'m surprised that's legal in the states....

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - Grimlin - 09-20-2009

The whole world is going Faggy.......

This is what happens when people think rules and morals don't apply anymore.This is firmly why i believe there should be a line you cannot cross and sex change is just one of them.

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - sTr - 09-21-2009

!'m just sayin', who wants balls pussy....

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - Paullehh - 09-21-2009

Imagine going down on that and licking the severed jerry helmet clit.

Re: Great parenting (WTF WTF WTF) - sTr - 09-21-2009

!'d kill the nigger/bitch if she was acting like she had legit parts, then sprung (no pun intended) that fake snatch up in my grill...