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This sucks - Star - 09-18-2009

This week has been so crazy, and I thought that by yesterday night, the worst of it was over, but I guess I was wrong. Tuesday, I spent the morning trying to get ahold of a doctor because I'm still not feeling better from last week. Then, I got to the hospital early for work, but glanced at my schedule and saw something where it said 1-4 instead of 12-4, so I went home, only to realize that I WAS supposed to be there from 12-4 ...the 1-4 was the unit label. Then, on Wednesday, I went and took a test, and did pretty horribly on it, which isn't really worth getting upset over because it just means I need to do better from now on. Then I went to recitation for that class, which annoys the being out of me, because I can't stand being surrounded by 17 year old kids that think Wikipedia is a reliable resource for a genetic disease research project. Then, I went to work, and got thoroughly harassed by the manager at one of the stores I had to go to, who was just a complete bitch and was talking out of her ass trying to pretend like she was a big-shot.

Then, yesterday morning, I went to my chemistry lab, where apparently I wasn't wearing "safe" shoes (dress shoes with a toe and heel, but they didn't cover the top of my foot enough)...I apologized to the safety instructor, acknowledged that I knew it was my fault, and asked her if she wanted me to leave, and she just kept saying, "No, I want you to wear the right shoes," which is fucking irritating because I'm not five years old. I get it, I made a mistake, what am I supposed to do now? I'm not going to apologize repeatedly for the entire three hours, that's ridiculous. So then she followed me around the entire lab, nitpicking EVERY SINGLE thing I did, so that by the time I left, I was sobbing. Then I went to the hospital, only to find out I was supposed to be at the outpatient center 20 minutes away, so I felt stupid again. Now, this morning, I'm trying to enter my paperwork from work on Wednesday so I can print off the things for today, and the website is down, so I can't.

I think next week, I'm quitting my job, because I can't be gone from 9 AM to 7 PM every day and still have time to do all of my homework, study for everything, and work.


Re: This sucks - sTr - 09-18-2009

word, if you can make it $$$wise, then fuck your job, if not try and get them to cut your hours. if they try and fire you then jackpot, unemployment while you study...

Re: This sucks - TheB6Bitch - 09-18-2009

i hear ya girl i had a week just like that and between working 3 jobs and going to school ihave no time to do anything even sleep....txt me sometime Love ya

Re: This sucks - Toxic Love - 09-18-2009

IF you can do it without that 10 hour job, do it. Otherwise, look for a new job first, even if it's just part time. I bet you could be an assistant or even receptionist at a medical office somewhere while you're in school.

Re: This sucks - Grimlin - 09-18-2009

That does suck,Hope you are feeling better soon!

Re: This sucks - Star - 09-18-2009

I'm feeling better now that the week is over, but physically I'm still kind of getting over being sick. I can probably make it without my's just that I don't really want to quit, because I make my own hours and get paid a lot of money to do very little actual work. I'm looking at my schedule for the next couple of weeks, and I have way less work, so it should be okay. I just need to spend the weekend to get ahead for next week so that I'm not stuck on Friday trying to catch up again.

Re: This sucks - Enigma - 09-19-2009

i feel so bad for that week you had. people suck. i probably would have snapped at the lab teacher....especially if she kept nit picking me for every single thing i did. i'm sorry she was such a cunt to you. i want to go there and smack her in the face....i really do. lol. i hope next week is better for you than this week was. :) :) :) and i hope you get over your cold soon. stupid cold.

Re: This sucks - sTr - 09-21-2009

give the bitch the swine flu then tell her to STFU

Re: This sucks - Enigma - 09-21-2009

best idea ever.

Re: This sucks - Toxic Love - 09-22-2009

Star's venting is the exact reason I am SO HAPPY I am out of school right now, even though I am probably going back next semester for another degree. I had one professor who was our "lab technician" to teach us hands-on skills in pretty much every lab. She nitpicked over EVERYTHING. I remember in our surgery class, she tried telling me that I was placing an IV catheter wrong and that I wasn't intubating the dog properly. Uhm, hello... I do it at work EVERY DAY. Just because certain people developed their own certain way of doing things doesn't mean they are wrong. Just because YOU do it differently doesn't mean it is wrong. So long as the task gets done and it gets done correctly and safely... who gives a shit? And she always could blame her faults on other people. She wouldn't be able to find supplies and then say that we never put her shit back properly. SHE put her own stuff away!

Don't let your professor get to you. Some people want to be snooty and anal-retentive because of their status and power. Sometimes years of experience or even money get to their heads. Or sometimes, they just pick you out to pick on you. It's not fair, but it's not something to get hurt over. Go into class, do your work, and leave. Keep track of all of your work and grades though, just in case. Last thing you need is for her to give you an unfair grade.

Re: This sucks - Star - 09-22-2009

I don't think she has any actual grading power over me; my TA is responsible for all of that, and the actual lab professor. She's just the safety lady. I'm going to check just to make sure, but I'm pretty sure about it. I was pretty upset it about it for a couple of days after it happened, but I was also sick, and worn out, so weepy in general. I feel better this week; I may not be a genius at chemistry, but I can do just as well as everybody else in that lab, so I'm going to try to just ignore her.

Re: This sucks - Toxic Love - 09-22-2009

I want to retake Chem I since it's been about 5 years since I took it the first time, and my first professor was awful. This way when I take Orgo it won't be so hard on me.

Re: This sucks - CranialEntropy - 09-22-2009

Toxic Love Wrote:Star's venting is the exact reason I am SO HAPPY I am out of school right now, even though I am probably going back next semester for another degree. I had one professor who was our "lab technician" to teach us hands-on skills in pretty much every lab. She nitpicked over EVERYTHING. I remember in our surgery class, she tried telling me that I was placing an IV catheter wrong and that I wasn't intubating the dog properly. Uhm, hello... I do it at work EVERY DAY. Just because certain people developed their own certain way of doing things doesn't mean they are wrong. Just because YOU do it differently doesn't mean it is wrong. So long as the task gets done and it gets done correctly and safely... who gives a shit? And she always could blame her faults on other people. She wouldn't be able to find supplies and then say that we never put her shit back properly. SHE put her own stuff away!

Don't let your professor get to you. Some people want to be snooty and anal-retentive because of their status and power. Sometimes years of experience or even money get to their heads. Or sometimes, they just pick you out to pick on you. It's not fair, but it's not something to get hurt over. Go into class, do your work, and leave. Keep track of all of your work and grades though, just in case. Last thing you need is for her to give you an unfair grade.

Wait- why is your professor being a lab tech?
Toxic Love Wrote:I want to retake Chem I since it's been about 5 years since I took it the first time, and my first professor was awful. This way when I take Orgo it won't be so hard on me.

Meh, don't worry about it. Listen to a couple lectures off of iUniversity if it'll make you feel better, but don't wast the time or energy relearning gen chem. Its boring and no where near as cool as organic. You'll get retaught the important concepts along the way. Orgo is AWESOME, it takes some work, but once you get it down it all starts to logically make sense and the concepts being tested aren't related to the gen chem material at all.

Re: This sucks - CranialEntropy - 09-22-2009

Oh yeah, and bad times star. I honestly felt bad when I read about all the shit you had to do the other day and started to stop procrastinating myself seeing as I had ample time and shouldn't waste it.

Re: This sucks - sTr - 09-22-2009

speaking of shit that sucks, have you started helping peeps in the ghetto yet? how's that going down?

Re: This sucks - CranialEntropy - 09-22-2009

My kid is AWESOME. He's already been in the program for 2 years, so its more just helping him deal with family and emotional issues and keeping him on task. I won't be helping new blood till mid-semester, but in the mean time working with my kid has been a ton of fun. Its crazy, he showed me his birth certificate and he literally has no first or middle name, just a last. He says its the same for his social security card, so I'm gonna try to find out how to register his full name to help with applying to colleges.

Re: This sucks - sTr - 09-22-2009

that's hardcore, no middle name here, got the first though. do most of the people there wanting to go there or forced?

Re: This sucks - CranialEntropy - 09-22-2009

I don't think are any too excited initially, but I think its only because a lot of them never really even had the thought that they could be one of the kids on the path to college.

Re: This sucks - Toxic Love - 09-23-2009

CranialEntropy Wrote:
Toxic Love Wrote:Star's venting is the exact reason I am SO HAPPY I am out of school right now, even though I am probably going back next semester for another degree. I had one professor who was our "lab technician" to teach us hands-on skills in pretty much every lab. She nitpicked over EVERYTHING. I remember in our surgery class, she tried telling me that I was placing an IV catheter wrong and that I wasn't intubating the dog properly. Uhm, hello... I do it at work EVERY DAY. Just because certain people developed their own certain way of doing things doesn't mean they are wrong. Just because YOU do it differently doesn't mean it is wrong. So long as the task gets done and it gets done correctly and safely... who gives a shit? And she always could blame her faults on other people. She wouldn't be able to find supplies and then say that we never put her shit back properly. SHE put her own stuff away!

Don't let your professor get to you. Some people want to be snooty and anal-retentive because of their status and power. Sometimes years of experience or even money get to their heads. Or sometimes, they just pick you out to pick on you. It's not fair, but it's not something to get hurt over. Go into class, do your work, and leave. Keep track of all of your work and grades though, just in case. Last thing you need is for her to give you an unfair grade.

Wait- why is your professor being a lab tech?

I should re-explain that. We have Dr's as professors. We have a a department lab tech who was a practicing vet tech for 10+ years who teaches all of the hands-on labs. The professors just watch and sometimes help... but they mainly do lectures.

Toxic Love Wrote:I want to retake Chem I since it's been about 5 years since I took it the first time, and my first professor was awful. This way when I take Orgo it won't be so hard on me.

Meh, don't worry about it. Listen to a couple lectures off of iUniversity if it'll make you feel better, but don't wast the time or energy relearning gen chem. Its boring and no where near as cool as organic. You'll get retaught the important concepts along the way. Orgo is AWESOME, it takes some work, but once you get it down it all starts to logically make sense and the concepts being tested aren't related to the gen chem material at all.
Well to get Orgo, you need to take Chem II. I will NOT pass Chem II if I don't refresh my memory on Chem all together. My boyfriend told my the local CC has a "Intro to Chem" course that is 4 credits and has a lab, but is super easy. I was thinking maybe I would take that to refresh myself THEN take Chem II so I don't try to kill myself over Chem again, hahah. I LOVED Chemistry in high school, but my college professor ruined it.

Re: This sucks - Autumn - 09-23-2009

Star, you're like me. I let stuff get to me all the time, but thankfully I don't have to deal with it regularly. The only people who can get to me now, are my family. Ugh. lol