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People of Walmart - Printable Version

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People of Walmart - Grimlin - 09-15-2009

I didn't see Autumn ;) ,but now i know why Jeff Foxworthy got rich of this redneck culture.

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next time you go to Walmart see if you can spot some of these people.

Re: People of Walmart - sTr - 09-15-2009

! saw this site, ! wanna get some pics to submit there, ! always see some crazy jackals @ the wall...

Re: People of Walmart - Enigma - 09-15-2009

bajajajajaja! i totally went through all 31 pages. too bad there's not a never ending supply of pics. more people need to know about this site. :) :)

Re: People of Walmart - Star - 09-15-2009

i looked at this awhile ago when it was on dlisted. some of those people don't seem that weird to me...what's that say about where we live? now fred and i go to a fancy, new walmart. it's amazing how much different the population is than that of the old walmart in the ghetto we went to. it's clean, no screaming babies or arguing bitches.

Re: People of Walmart - Enigma - 09-15-2009

we have a new walmart down the road. everyone was so excited about it, because like 8 walmarts in albuquerque weren't enough....anyway, the first couple weeks it was packed. then the new one lost it's appeal and everyone went back to their original walmarts. but the people aren't more appropriate at the new one. we've got the same old white/hispanic/nigger trash as all the other walmarts.

Re: People of Walmart - sTr - 09-17-2009

miejers is way better then walmart, ! e-mailed them telling them to open out here and they said fuck you pretty much...

Re: People of Walmart - Grimlin - 09-17-2009

sTr Wrote:miejers is way better then walmart, ! e-mailed them telling them to open out here and they said fuck you pretty much...

I love Meijers! You should see what they did to our Walmarts here in my area....everything got turned into crappy Super Walmarts. I actually liked our old Walmarts better than these new ones. The older ones had better stuff,even though they were smaller.

However if you go down to Texas,their Super Walmarts are actually pretty decent....It's really weird...because it's the complete opposite here.

Re: People of Walmart - N-Do - 09-17-2009

Word @ Meijers

Re: People of Walmart - Enigma - 09-17-2009

We have at least 9 super walmarts that are within a 20 minute driving range from my house. There is only one original old school walmart in the city. and it doesn't have half the stuff as the super walmarts.

i wish i had money to shop at target instead...but even like a dollar savings on one item is something i need to value.

Re: People of Walmart - sTr - 09-17-2009

when you shop at walmart you support communism

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: People of Walmart - Enigma - 09-19-2009

that's okay. If saving money is synonimous with supporting communism, i'm okay with that. gotta save all the pennies i can.

Re: People of Walmart - Grimlin - 09-19-2009

I was Bad mouthing Walmart yesterday yelling "Buy America,Walmart is the reason this economy is going to shit." This was inside the new Super Walmart yesterday.

I hate walmart...for real.....

Re: People of Walmart - N-Do - 09-20-2009

Grimlin Wrote:I was Bad mouthing Walmart yesterday yelling "Buy America,Walmart is the reason this economy is going to shit." This was inside the new Super Walmart yesterday.

I hate walmart...for real.....

Word like a mutha fucka. Aldi's on the other hand is the fucking shit!

Re: People of Walmart - sTr - 09-20-2009

Aldi's is good times. Byob, bring your own bags, son

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: People of Walmart - N-Do - 09-20-2009

sTr Wrote:Aldi's is good times. Byob, bring your own bags, son

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Yup and take our boxes so we dont have to throw them away cuz our employees are lazy enough.... one of the only grocery stores that has seats for the cashiers. But they have good food cheap as fuck so I cant really complain

Re: People of Walmart - sTr - 09-22-2009

word, you work for aldi's? good times if so...