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Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - dirtymonkey22 - 09-15-2009 caught up with Watchmen star Jeffrey Dean Morgan on the set of his new film, The Losers, based on the DC/Vertigo comic book series. Though we're still under embargo for full details from the set, Jeffrey did share with us a role that he's gunning for; the main man himself in Guy Ritchie's recently announced Lobo.

"[T]hey're making 'Lobo' right now," offered JDM, "That would be cool. 'Lobo' would be very cool. I don't think that I'm as big as Lobo is, but if you could, like, transplant Mickey Rourke's body on my head, that would be just great."

The comic book character, re-developed in the early '90s, is that of an intergalactic bounty hunter and hard-drinking biker. Designed as somewhat of an over-the-top parody of his violent anti-hero contemporaries, Lobo has become a popular mainstay of the DC Universe, appearing outside of comics in "Superman: The Animated Series" and "Justice League," as well as in his own animated web-series.

"You're always looking for material that's kind of smart and fun and this seems to be where it is right now," says the actor in regards to his interest in so many comic book properties, "The studios are really gravitating towards it, more than I've ever seen them gravitate towards anything in a long time. Comic books are really the thing right now and I don't see that going away for at least the next couple of years."

Lobo has two major creative forces in common with The Losers in producers Joel Silver and Akiva Goldsman, a connection not at all lost on Dean Morgan.

"I do have an in," he admits, "I'll be elbowing somebody soon."

i think he could be a dam good lobo everything that i've seen this guy on hes a badass .

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - sTr - 09-15-2009

thank god this didn't end up in disney's hands...

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - dirtymonkey22 - 09-16-2009

well lets hope its aleast like TDK pg13

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - Slacker - 09-16-2009

lobo is a douche

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - Enigma - 09-17-2009

-has no idea who lobo is.

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - dirtymonkey22 - 09-17-2009

Enigma Wrote:-has no idea who lobo is.
a comic book charater

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - Grimlin - 09-17-2009

This would easily be a rated R movie......if done right.Anything less than a rated R this movie is going to suck.

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - sTr - 09-18-2009

that's what ! was saying before, and dirty seems to think that pg-13 will be ok, which it might be, but it def should be rated R

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - dirtymonkey22 - 09-19-2009

i do agree it should be R like watchmen and v for vendetta but at the same time look at how on the border TDK was. R doesent mean more action it just mean they tone down the swearing and the blood

Re: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Has His Sights Set on Lobo - sTr - 09-20-2009

exactly what !'d be looking for in a Lobo movie...