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fuck kanye west - Printable Version

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fuck kanye west - sTr - 09-14-2009

Not that ! Give a shit about taylor swift, but who does that nigger think he is to get on stage and take the mic whenever he wants. !'ll post vid soon.

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Re: fuck kanye west - fghtffyrdmns - 09-14-2009

Dude, seriously! I don't give a flying fuck about Taylor Swift's music, or Beyonce's for that matter, but holy shit he's a cocksmoker. He thinks he's the greatest rapper alive. South Park did a really good representation of him. I hope people call him a gay fish wherever he goes.

Re: fuck kanye west - sTr - 09-14-2009

kanye west is a gay faggot, ! saw him making out with other dirty black people after the awards last night.

Re: fuck kanye west - fghtffyrdmns - 09-14-2009

Honestly, if you did.....I wouldn't be surprised.

Re: fuck kanye west - Slacker - 09-14-2009

george bush does not care about black people

Re: fuck kanye west - sTr - 09-14-2009

neither do !

Re: fuck kanye west - Grimlin - 09-14-2009

I like Taylor Swift...... Embarassed

Anybody wonder why i hate rappers nowadays?Just take a look at Kayne West. Perfect example why.

I think it's time to put the shackles back on the black man and throw them in the cotton fields....they were better off that way. Evil

Re: fuck kanye west - Grimlin - 09-14-2009

This is why i have Mad respect for that white girl.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ylor-Swift</a><!-- m -->

This shit is absolutely fucking hilarious!

Re: fuck kanye west - Toxic Love - 09-14-2009

I am so tired about reading this everywhere, from Facebook to Myspace to work... holy shit. We all know he's an asshole nigger. He's said stupid shit and has thrown temper tantrums quite often. I just feel bad for Taylor Swift. She has no control over the popularity contest that is the VMA's so why should he take it out on her?

And to be honest, Beyonce's video was choreographed quite well and for best video yeah, she should have gotten it. But Taylor Swift's concept was WAY cuter. The end! :)

Re: fuck kanye west - dirtymonkey22 - 09-14-2009

fuck beyonce for one and i dont give a shit about swift.
kanye is a douch and always has been look at hiphop you dont even have to have street cred or anything like that any more look at the rapper drake he was on fucking degrassi.

every thing mtv does sucks the whole show garbage,russel brand was a fucking joke fuck we live in a world were people think Jimmy Falones funny and gave him a show.

mtv did a metal award show a few months ago and it got like 0 money to produce

Re: fuck kanye west - Grimlin - 09-14-2009

somebody is in a bad mood.....

Re: fuck kanye west - Star - 09-14-2009

i've heard one taylor swift song. i don't really care about her one way or another, but i feel bad that this happened to her because she seems nice and wholesome, and from what i know of her, she's a way better rolemodel for kids than 99% of the other people at the vmas. kanye always does stupid shit and apologizes, but i don't think people are going to let this one go for awhile, unfortunately. i hate it when something like this happens, because a lot of the websites i read for fun follow the celebrity world, and i don't want to read about it for three weeks. i haven't even watched the video, i think it's a waste of time.

Re: fuck kanye west - Slacker - 09-14-2009

Kanye says shit about Bush - Sells more CDs
Kanye throws a hissy fit - Sells more CD's

I wonder if this will also equal more CD's sold....

of course it will


Re: fuck kanye west - sTr - 09-14-2009

! wish it would result in more niggers sold...

Re: fuck kanye west - Grimlin - 09-14-2009

Slacker Wrote:Kanye says shit about Bush - Sells more CDs
Kanye throws a hissy fit - Sells more CD's

I wonder if this will also equal more CD's sold....

of course it will


Possibly,it could ruin his reputation too....

I haven't listened to that ego stroking asshole since college drop out. I now wish he would have died in that car accident that he had back a few years ago.The bigger he got the worst his songs are getting. I'm really surprise he's still selling records to be honest. I guess I'll never figure this business out.

People don't know the meaning of respect anymore.

Re: fuck kanye west - Paullehh - 09-14-2009

His music is like hip hop for dudes with dicks up there asses.
Gangstas who wear pink lycra...
Fanbase =
[Image: xnhseo.jpg]

Re: fuck kanye west - Slacker - 09-14-2009

[Image: xnhseo.jpg]

Re: fuck kanye west - CranialEntropy - 09-14-2009

Y'all just prejudice against gay fish.

He's the voice of my generation.