Board 6
I've been drinking!!! - Printable Version

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I've been drinking!!! - Autumn - 09-13-2009

Heyyyy all you fucking sexy bee sixerzzzzz. I, the one and only sexy ass bitch autumn, has been partaking in drinks this evening and i feel PHENOMENAL!!! I do dearly love one and all of you. please comment lmao <3


Re: I've been drinking!!! - Paullehh - 09-13-2009

Post tits?

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Autumn - 09-13-2009

Not enough drink in the world to get me to postits. :)

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Enigma - 09-15-2009

bajaj i totally did on osb. thank god that site died.

Re: I've been drinking!!! - juggalogigolo - 09-15-2009

post em here

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Enigma - 09-15-2009

bajaj! not likely.

Re: I've been drinking!!! - sTr - 09-15-2009

totally should be likely...

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Enigma - 09-15-2009

maybe you think it should be. but it's not.

Re: I've been drinking!!! - sTr - 09-15-2009

Enigma Wrote:you're right, let me find the pics so i can post them


Re: I've been drinking!!! - Grimlin - 09-15-2009

agagaga......I miss OSB :(

Re: I've been drinking!!! - sTr - 09-15-2009


Re: I've been drinking!!! - Enigma - 09-16-2009

i don't miss osb. it was a knock off of b6 and everyone that was there is here, what's to miss?

Re: I've been drinking!!! - sTr - 09-16-2009

you're titties...

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Enigma - 09-16-2009

bajaj. there are plenty of titties on the interwebs. no reason for mine to be too.

Re: I've been drinking!!! - sTr - 09-16-2009

why not, be cool, join the crowd...

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

Enigma Wrote:i don't miss osb. it was a knock off of b6 and everyone that was there is here, what's to miss?

Well,A lot of those guys there that you don't know were cool as hell.I'm not only talking about the last OSB before it shut down.I'm talking about when Monster,Joe & fluffy was running that shit.There were a lot of good times on that board. Including the dirty pair of boobs girls.

To be honest,i didn't care much for B6 back then.I'll go as far as saying i hated the board just before it got shut down...... Embarassed I just have a few friends from every where i go.

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Enigma - 09-16-2009

well, if you miss them so much, why don't you invite them to join us here??

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

Enigma Wrote:well, if you miss them so much, why don't you invite them to join us here??

They seemed to have found a life away from boards like these. Joe shows up once every 6 months,XIII is here,Jokerz left because somebody kept picking on him,guessing due to jealously of his girl.Monster never posts on boards other than his Bears football board(so i heard).

Oh well.....I doubt this board will be around in another 5 years.Once i find a job or move,I doubt I'll be back either. Crying I just come back for a few people like STR,you,melissa and whoever else i try to keep contact every once in awhile.Plus Unemployment is driving me crazy...I spend half my time looking for jobs online.I get tired and take a break on here... LOL.....

I guess it's simply something to kill time in the mean time.It's quite sad to be me right now......

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Slacker - 09-16-2009

wft @ no love from grim


Re: I've been drinking!!! - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

Slacker Wrote:wft @ no love from grim


You know i love you..... =-*

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Slacker - 09-16-2009

bajaj @ getting wtf wrong :(


Re: I've been drinking!!! - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

agagaga...I didn't even notice it.

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Paullehh - 09-16-2009


Re: I've been drinking!!! - Enigma - 09-17-2009

i do miss Mardi. she was fun.

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Autumn - 09-17-2009

WTF @ you all OSB'ing my drinking thread, fuckers!! >:o

Re: I've been drinking!!! - sTr - 09-17-2009

yeah, stop stinkin' the place up...

Re: I've been drinking!!! - Autumn - 09-17-2009

Thank you, Stephan. Happy

Re: I've been drinking!!! - sTr - 09-17-2009

! keep it real...