Board 6
Yayyyyyyy!!! - Printable Version

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Yayyyyyyy!!! - Autumn - 09-13-2009


Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 09-13-2009

Tiggles, it's posts like this that make it worth it....

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Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Autumn - 09-13-2009

Seriously. I'm not drunk enough yet to make it say that I love you for doing this. I couldn't tell you how much we all (if not only me) appreciate you doing this for us! We love you dearly.

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 09-13-2009

Even if you said you loved me ! Would know the appropriate way to take it, in a bro-love way, b6 bajaj kinda way. But you guys are all my pals, and b6 is the best outlet for us all to get together....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Autumn - 09-13-2009

It really is. bajaj is my lifestyle. I wanna win the lottery and bring you all here to give you all big huggles and kisses like a mofo. hgahahhao;qi24y9pb

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - fghtffyrdmns - 09-14-2009

huggles and kisses, aw.

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Enigma - 09-15-2009

i'm with Autumn 100%. When B6 died it felt like there was a hole in my life...i'm not kidding. i tried to fill it with myspace, and then osb, and it just didn't work. and now B6 is back and my life is complete again! yay STR!!!!!!

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 09-15-2009

* causes boners worldwide *

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Autumn - 09-17-2009

bajaj @ i popped a bonner (what's a bonner?) when b6 was back <3

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 09-17-2009

boner = erect penis

bonner = not in dictionary....

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Autumn - 09-17-2009

It was a family guy reference akshully.

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 09-17-2009

! figured it was some kind of reference.... !'m clueless most of the time though...

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-18-2009

sTr Wrote:* causes boners worldwide *

that should be the new poster

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Enigma - 09-19-2009

sTr Wrote:!'m clueless most of the time though...
and that is part of why we love you. :) :)

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 09-19-2009

the other part is my humongous penis....

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Enigma - 09-20-2009

bajaj! but of course!

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 09-22-2009

!'m psydick...

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Autumn - 07-07-2012

*was drunk here*

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Enigma - 07-07-2012

awwww. you're so sexy.

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - F-Disk - 07-07-2012

yea i tried to mingle with other forums for a while and when i brought the b6 hate i got ban hammered everywhere :-O

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Autumn - 07-07-2012

Yeah mingling isn't the same as bringing the hate, haha.

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - Grimlin - 07-07-2012

I spent all my time on fishing forums.......

Re: Yayyyyyyy!!! - sTr - 07-07-2012

other boards don't have the same love/hate mongering charm b6 does...