Board 6
Toolbar @ bottom - Printable Version

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Toolbar @ bottom - sTr - 09-12-2009

more work needs to be done with it, but so far you can connect to facebook and twitter through it. it wanted default pages for them, so ! made a B6 Facebook, so if you sign into your facebook account you can utilize the shoutbox from the toolbar and get full on chat action. On the flip side, ! did not make a B6 twitter account, maily because !'m too laz to post in it, so ! just used mine. If anyone wants to make a B6 Twitter account let me know and !'ll link it up. In time !'m going to have one set up and just run an rss feed of the board to it, but regaurdless, have fun and let me know if anything wierd happens....

Also, if you would like a different color for the toolbar let me know, or if you have any other features that aren't on it let me know.

Re: Toolbar @ bottom - Paullehh - 09-12-2009

hehe i just stumbled across it and thought some crapware had been added to my firefox.

Re: Toolbar @ bottom - sTr - 09-12-2009

you can hide it w/ the little down arrows on the right side

Re: Toolbar @ bottom - Ms Felony - 09-12-2009

Paullehh Wrote:hehe i just stumbled across it and thought some crapware had been added to my firefox.

And ive been trying to get rid of it over the last 2 hours trying to find out name of said crapware and where it is on my system.... !@#&

Re: Toolbar @ bottom - Paullehh - 09-12-2009

bajaj it took me a few seconds to clock that it was part of b6.

You're just a big dummy.

I can see this is going to bug the shit out of many people.

Re: Toolbar @ bottom - Grimlin - 09-12-2009

Paullehh Wrote:I can see this is going to bug the shit out of many people.

It already is....I got that little "tools" thingy at the bottom right of the screen. I wish i could reduce that too...