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Hi and Bye. - Printable Version

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Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 09-11-2009

Was here for a bit, but nothing seems to be going on too much. Going to pick up the hubby and off to wally world.

Re: Hi and Bye. - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-11-2009

Hi and bye Autumn :)

Re: Hi and Bye. - Slacker - 09-11-2009



Re: Hi and Bye. - sTr - 09-11-2009

party time and party on!

Re: Hi and Bye. - CranialEntropy - 09-11-2009

It's closed for two weeks due to repairs, dontchano?
[Image: Wally.jpg]

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 09-11-2009

I had a good trip to Walmart. We bought a shelf for the bathroom, because we have no freakin' room in this apartment, got a new filter for the vacuum, amongst some other things. Woohoo!

Re: Hi and Bye. - Star - 09-11-2009

Hi, Autumn <3

I'm leaving now for work. I'm supposed to have a PLTL recitation idiotic thing later, but I've been sick since Wednesday, and I'm finally so tired it's unreal. I couldn't cancel my internship at the hospital yesterday, or my chemistry class, but something has to give. I can't be on campus until two and get a weeks worth of work done by six. So, good morning B6, and goodbye. I won't be around much this weekend because I have a test Monday morning that I need to study hard for.

Re: Hi and Bye. - CranialEntropy - 09-11-2009

in what?

Re: Hi and Bye. - Star - 09-11-2009


Re: Hi and Bye. - freEkjokA - 09-11-2009


Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 09-13-2009

OMG. love you bitches. soooooo drunk fuckers.

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 07-07-2012

*was apparently drunk here, as well*

Re: Hi and Bye. - Enigma - 07-07-2012

lol. i want to post drunk more often.

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 07-07-2012

You should definitely do so. If I plan on drinking anytime soon, it's on!

Re: Hi and Bye. - Grimlin - 07-07-2012

Weekends are my fishing days.....I don't post much or online on weekends. Today just sucks money balls because it's 100 degrees out and the fish weren't interested in biting anything today.

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 07-07-2012

It's been hot as a mother here too. :\

Re: Hi and Bye. - F-Disk - 07-07-2012

dont lie gremlin you went to go fished and worried about all the posts you would be missing if you didn't get home

and i don't want to here about heat its never below 100 in arizona in the summer 100 is relatively cool

Re: Hi and Bye. - Grimlin - 07-07-2012

F-Disk Wrote:dont lie gremlin you went to go fished and worried about all the posts you would be missing if you didn't get home

and i don't want to here about heat its never below 100 in arizona in the summer 100 is relatively cool

Actually I got tired of the sweat running down my ass crack......Mi. isn't used to 100 degree shit.....

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 07-07-2012

Ew, I thought it was bad in FL when I went in March. It's awful here.

Re: Hi and Bye. - sTr - 07-07-2012

F-Disk Wrote:dont lie gremlin you went to go fished and worried about all the posts you would be missing if you didn't get home

and i don't want to here about heat its never below 100 in arizona in the summer 100 is relatively cool

true story....

Re: Hi and Bye. - Enigma - 07-07-2012

the best part about desert heat, even if it tops 100+, at least there is little to no humidity

Re: Hi and Bye. - sTr - 07-07-2012

word, ! definitely rather have 100 degrees here in AZ over in MI.....

Re: Hi and Bye. - F-Disk - 07-07-2012

Saying its a dry heat is just a scam to make u not feel as bad

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Re: Hi and Bye. - sTr - 07-07-2012

you would think so, but 100 degrees here is equivalent to 85 degrees there....

Re: Hi and Bye. - Grimlin - 07-07-2012

sTr Wrote:you would think so, but 100 degrees here is equivalent to 85 degrees there....

Exactly.....I can handle 102-104 down south.....but up here in the north it's a whole different heat.

Re: Hi and Bye. - sTr - 07-07-2012

people don't understand until they experience both....

Re: Hi and Bye. - Grimlin - 07-07-2012

I agree....

Re: Hi and Bye. - sTr - 07-07-2012

we switched places pretty much...

Re: Hi and Bye. - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

Id rather have dry heat then humid heat

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 07-08-2012

I have no clue what dry heat is. I know humidity is awful.

Re: Hi and Bye. - Stoopid Dog - 07-08-2012

I hear that, its fucking 80% humid right now and 77 degrees, its at least a bit cooler now then earlier

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 07-08-2012

Yeah, we got an ac in our living room and have the stairwell and kitchen entrance blocked off to keep the cool air in. It's still hot as a mufucka.

Re: Hi and Bye. - sTr - 07-08-2012

the one good thing about AZ, nearly every place has central air....

Re: Hi and Bye. - Autumn - 07-08-2012

If we ever buy a house, I'm not fucking around.. central air it is.

Hi and Bye. - FxXxckOff - 07-08-2012

Fuck being hot