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what a day.... - Printable Version

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what a day.... - sTr - 09-09-2009

!'ve been waiting for this day to wrap up so ! could post about this because it just kept going so ! figured ! wait...

so ! get up for work around 5am and Pat(penguin) is passed out in on my back patio in front of the TV. it was off, but he looked like he had a hard night of partyin', or possibly dead. went on with my day and headed to work. was busy as shit because we were off labor day, and strangely enough so was was Canada, fuck them bastids. So it's back to back calls and ! get a text from my women and she said ! think pat needs to go to the hospital. Apparently he was riding his bike home from work last night and hit a cup and flipped over the top of his bike and broke his collar bone and got a concussion. it explained why he looked dead when ! got up, it was still dark out so ! didn't notice all the blood and bruises. ! only have one pic now, but !'ll have more tomorrow.
[Image: patdead.jpg]
just for fun, this is a picture from a few days ago when he tried to cut his hair on his own....
[Image: pathair.jpg]
so after that was all over and done with ! had a little project to finish up when ! got home. a buddy of mine is always getting bullshit on his computer and every few months ! have to fix the shit. Well, like always it was about that time for a fixing and he had one of his buddies fix it this time. but the fucking retard didn't fix shit, he made it worse, and on top of that the fuckin' moron deleted the fuckin recovery partition. ! could have pressed F10 and been done in 30 min if it was totally fucked and it would have been at factory settings. Instead it took all night, it would not boot anything, so it took me a while to get windows on there, then ! had to find all his gay ass HP drivers, and HP being the stand up company they are, most of their driver links were no longer active. Mind you the links were still there, but page can not be found errors up the buns and all over the corner.

Besides the bullshit ! did get a change to take a snazzy video of Arizona Rain, check it out, it's hot... 'cause !'m in it.

Re: what a day.... - Paullehh - 09-09-2009

That's some job he did on the hair...

Re: what a day.... - Ms Felony - 09-09-2009

damn, hope he's alright, well obviously he is but you know....

I came off my bike a while ago due to the drop outs on the forks breaking, I was dropping into a skate bowl though.

Re: what a day.... - Slacker - 09-09-2009

pp is the man

Re: what a day.... - psychopathic penguin - 09-09-2009

^ fact

Re: what a day.... - Autumn - 10-12-2009

bajaj @ GOD DAMN ARIZONA! and I didn't see this thread when originally posted.. any word on what PP is up to?

Re: what a day.... - juggalogigolo - 10-12-2009

wow this is old

Re: what a day.... - sTr - 10-13-2009

like yo momma's snatch.... Pimp

Re: what a day.... - Insanecowposse - 10-13-2009

you sound so fucking redneck tis hilarious.

Re: what a day.... - sTr - 10-13-2009

what do you mean?

Re: what a day.... - Insanecowposse - 10-13-2009

Maybe its cus you had the ciggarette in your mouth but you sounded country as fuck when you said god damn arizona. I felt like I was back in Florida on the border of Alabama aka Bama again

Re: what a day.... - sTr - 10-13-2009

it was prolly that and ! was prolly a bit tipsy...