Board 6
Bowling Balls - Printable Version

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Bowling Balls - CranialEntropy - 09-08-2009

So the prof lugs in this giant red sack and throws it in the corner before he starts lecturing. After about an hour and half to two hours, he says "Okay, now we take better look." He's 79 and from Argentina, so he still has some broken speech. He then goes over to the bag and starts pulling out these segmented severed heads and just laying them on the table. The weird thing is I had this creepy vibe from the moment he brought the bag in that it was likely some sort of organs. We were doing neuroanatomy, but seeing as we didn't have lab today and were just wearing our normal cloths, it was kind of eerie having them a foot in front of us.

Now I will add a loosely related/awesome music video (emphasis on video not music)

Re: Bowling Balls - sTr - 09-09-2009

that's pretty awesome/fucked up.. next time get some severed head pics for the board...

Re: Bowling Balls - Insanecowposse - 09-10-2009

that song is killing me

Re: Bowling Balls - CranialEntropy - 09-10-2009

...with awesomeness